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SEX........ What do you prefer ????

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I am a white north american male..... But........ have ALWAYS been fascinated by oriental women.... I ended up marrying a beautiful, tiny oriental.... LOVE'M !!!!! Just wondering what you guys prefer in a woman. PS. At my heaviest, I was over 275 and I'm 6-1. With my wife being just under 5 feet and around 95 pounds...... She made me look fucking huge, hehehehe. Trips to the mall were amusing.. lol.

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I am spanish bro, and all some reason all the girls I date are white, they like me or something. Its probaly that you are attracted to something different.

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i like big fat sweaty older pregnant black chicks!!!!!! yummmmmmmyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

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Hot, tan and tall Italiano Babes are the best...For me that is ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

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She's gotta be petite have a nice tan goin on for me. I hate those pale chicks. ugh. :p

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I like short petite with a big chest and italian.

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Petite, tan skinned blondes for me. But then again who wouldn't like 'em? ๐Ÿ™‚

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You know what I say........ If theres grass on the field, play ball! holyintellect

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Oriental for sure. I also married an asian woman under 5' and 100lbs. Can't beat them!

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Asian is definitely good, but I married a redhead.

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I-Talian and Brazillian

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tall skiny tan skinned blondes have always done it for me, but i am in love with a short brunette right now, go figure

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I prefer latinas and Italians. But anything will do. But I don't care for asians that much for some reason.

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tall blondes

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i have almost always gone out with the blonde , tan, light eyes , kinda skinny for whatever reason but...... i die over long dark hair and natural dark skin and i like a girl who is curvy and i like the tits big n round sounds like the perfect woman oh shit i just described my wife (and i'm not kidding) but i find oriental women very! unattractive , and i dont like the skinny runway model either give me curves or a fitness babe anytime!!!! , badd

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