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cycle update

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Ok guys, has been a week sinse I started my third cycle. I am using fina gold, at 100 mg eod for 8 weeks, 40 mg d.bol for the first four. My starting weight was 219, now a currently 227, have made some good strength gains as well. Over all, I feel tighter and look a little more vascular. Although I have gained 8 pounds in a hurry, i don't really notice any water retention, maybe that is the fina keeping the water retention down. What do you guys think? And from weeks four to eight, would you just keep the fina at 100 mg eod, or would you add say winny or Anavar or something like that? Thanks! I have a pic, but is to big to attatch

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Just my opinion but I like to hit fina ed so i'd just go to half a cc ed for the duration. Same dosage weekly just no peaks, constant level of fina. Also after week 4 of the Dbol (tho I woulda went with winny off the bat I don't dig the fina dbol combo) i'd add 50mg winny ed works well with fina to counter it's progesterone (sp?). Then seeing as fina's harsh on your boys clomid at 100 mg ed post cycle for 2 weeks. You could add the var at a low dosage 20 mg per day when you start the clomid. Works good as a bridge, keeps strength up and won't cause any additional stress to your liver at that low a dose. Just my opinion of course. WBB

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hi bigbuild keep us posted on your results
