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oral only cycle

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I know that with an oral only cycle it is hard to keep gains and it is hard on the liver but....
I can't do an injectible cycle just yet.

how does this sound for a 4 week cycle of an oral only.
M1T, 4AD, and Dbol for a mass building cycle.
20mg of each ED.
If you guys were to choose an oral only cycle (I realize injectibles are best) would this be an ok one to do.
also, as far as pct I have nolva and clomid on hand.
I don't have HCG and would rather not use it if I don't have to.

also, does HCG have BB or BA in it?

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you have to reconstitute hcg, just like GH.
If you get hcg thats allready liquified, it's either fake or ruined.
you reconstitute with bac water.
it has neither bb or ba in it

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If you don't mind my asking, what's the issue with injection?

My first cycle was oral, but after getting up the courage and steping up to injectable test, I see no reason to go back imo

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ah, i remember when i started, i refused to do injections. I had privacey issues, as in was married with children and had to keep all this secret. It was just a layer of complication that i was not prepared to deal with. In retrospect it was a BIG mistake for me since i went on to suffer liver problems. Fortunately i recovered and went on to learn the joys of injectable testosterone.

btw, the issue is not keeping the gains on an oral cycle it is seperating the gains(muscle) from the water weight gain typical with some orals.

supplychain nice to see you around.


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If your not ready to do an injectable cycle, you arn't ready to cycle imo. MIT and D-bol together would wreak hell with your liver. You would far less risk with 40mgs of d-bol as m1t is extremely harsh and makes you feel tired and like shit when using it.

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Guys do Anavar at 40mg/day for 4-8 weeks down here .

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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All good advice guys.
I can't do an injectable cycle until i find out why I have an adverse reaction to it. It takes about 3 to 4 weeks before i can hit the gym due to the sinus/migrain problems after an injection. I beleive it to be related to the BA or BB or the ester.
I posted about this before.
As far as an oral cycle goes what would you guys recommend for a good one that doesnt require HCG (Clomid and novla ok) as a PCT.

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<<As far as an oral cycle goes what would you guys recommend for a good one that doesnt require HCG (Clomid and novla ok) as a PCT.>>

Well, as someone already opined, oral-only cycles aren't optimal (to say the least,) by any means. Still, considering your predicament, and if you absolutely insist on trying AAS, my suggestion would be oxandrolone, c. 80mg/day. It is less hepato-toxic than are many other 17AAs, doesn't aromatise, and will give you what you want in terms of gains, I think. In your situation, I definitely wouldn't stack it with anything else (since testosterone is out, and nothing else oral [at least that I have ever tried] has quite the same anabolic/side-effect profile.)

As far as PCT goes, my strong opinion is that PCT is not dependant on specific AAS used. In other words, whatever you use (assuming reasonable dosage and length of cycle,) oral or injectible or combo, you'll still need to do the same PCT regimen. Nolva or Nolva/Clomid will work just fine. However, as someone already noted, HCG is reconstituted with bac-stat water, and so, should you choose to include it, you won't have to worry about any BA/BB issues.


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I've heard oxy will put muscles on a tomato but can be quite a powerful aas for a first time user.

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Well, you were considering dianabol, above, right? Compared with dbol, anavar has the side effect profile of cottage cheese...

Seriously, it won't lead to E2 issues/water retention/hypertension and isn't especially hard on the liver. Above that, it works pretty well. What more can you ask of an oral? (Well, perhaps low price... but you can't have everything!)

Seabiscuit Hogg
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Posted by: MrAnderson
I've heard oxy will put muscles on a tomato but can be quite a powerful aas for a first time user.

Oxymethalone is not a very good first cycle choice.

Seabiscuit Hogg is a fictious internet character. It is not recommended that you receive medical advice from fictious internet characters.

SBH :)

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so many mixed reviews across all of the boards on this subject.
As far as being liver toxic. what are we talking here. Maybe someone can put this figure in perspective.
Say is it the equilivent to having a few drinks a day for a month or is it worse than that?
Also, if I use the milk thistle/liv52 can I help negate some of these liver sides and if so to what extend do these help?
I have done the M1t and 4ad 1 month cycle (with no pct and lost all gains) before with almost no sides. would the dbol or anavar be any harsher than that cycle.
I'd like to see what kind of results i can get from an oral cycle with proper pct and then move onto a test based cycle once i figure out what it is i am allergic to in the injection.
is it possible to make a test e injectable without ba or bb in it?
What does the ba/bb do specifically.
thanks guys.

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isn't Oxymethalone aka anadrol. and Oxandrolone aka anavar.
anavar (Oxandrolone) is what i have been researching.

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oxymetholone is one of those huge on cycle, back small again off cycle. Gains are 80-90% water, and it will go back down once u quit. Very poor choice as a only cycle. Isn't very healthy either.

Oxandrolone is a "what you see is what you get"-steroid. Gains are small, but quality. Lot less sides too.
