wow, check this out...
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wow, check this out.

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i know i posted this on the anabolic board too, but i am pretty excited. i am running 400mg/QV eq/wk and 400mg/QV cyp/wk and i have gained 8 lbs of muscle in my first 3 weeks!!! i eat extremely well, dont drink now and train hard. everyone is commenting how big i am getting. my shirts are getting really tight on me and its only 3 weeks in. i havent gained any fat on my abs so its got to be muscle. i am not retaining water either. let me know what you guys think!!!! yes!

Killer Quads81
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Keep up the good work guy.

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Keep up the great work and diet are just as important actually more important Cutie

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Yeh keep up the good work mate! Sounds liek you're lucky and don't get bloat from test, which is very good! Glad you have a stack that works well and is cosmetic and simple. Wait until week 8 when you have put on 20lbs 😀

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Keep it up bro. Keep us posted on the rest of your results, week 3 and beyond.

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i started 3 weeks ago at 188 lbs. i am 5 foot 9 inches tall. 9.5% bf. been lifting hard for about 5 years. i am currently about 196 lbs. still 5' 9", LOL. (wish that would change too but) i want to be about 207-210. i will keep you posted guys. thanks for the help and encouragement

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i weighed in this morning before my killer leg workout at a career high 197. I am looking very large right now. I am starting to see the muscles, especially in my arms really come out more. I am very vascular from the EQ too, especially in my forearms. Finished my 3rd strong week and cant wait until monday. will probably go in tomorrow and hit up traps and abs and maybe a little sauna action (keep that water weight down). Leg pressing 10 plates on each side for 8 and squating 405 with no problem numerous times. GO!!!

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If it is, I can definitely relate. You mentioned that you trained hard for 5 years before you decided to take the plunge? There is nothing like building a big, hard earned base BEFORE you touch any AAS. I trained/dieted for 9 years before I did my first cycle. I went from 168 to 275 in that 9 year period. Wait until you reach week 6 and beyond, you will feel like your body has been lying dormant, waiting for you to put the needle on the record. Im sure you already know this, but make sure you stay on track, and dont forget PCT! You will crash hard if you dont maintain your good habits post cycle and do CORRECT PCT.... Stay focused, and get the most out of your cycle..... Good luck.....

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Fuckin Awesome results !!

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Show time baby! Weighed in this Tuesday morning at 199lbs. Had an unbelievably good chest workout yesterday. Banging out 315lbs for 6 (7 with help). For me that is great, never got more than 4 before. Was in the gym by 6:45 this morning to do a great back workout as well. Cant think of the last bad workout I had. I am thinking of running winny weeks 10-14 now too. I am not even halfway done with my 4th week yet though, so that is along way in the future. I drank a little on Saturday night. Didnt get hammered but figured I could have a few drinks. Im glad I did though, I needed to relax a bit. Man, I feel great. Let me know what you guys think. I hear the Test and EQ really begin to kick in after week 4. I cant even imagine.

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Keep it up bro, if this is your first cycle then this could very well be the best 10-14 weeks of your life. Enjoy it.

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yeah man good work! keep it up!

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200 lbs this morning. im sure it helps that i am eating like a fucking pig. haha. My workouts are unbelievable right now. Shoulders last night was great and arms today. Can not wait for legs day tomorrow. I wonder if my boss likes me on this website all day. ha, as long as i get my work done right? Well, I am thinking about inserting Prop for the next 4 weeks into the cycle. Everyone who has used the QV prop said its unreal. thanks for the support guys. I will have you some pics early next week.

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Man sounds like you got your hands on some legit gear. Im your heigth and a little hevier but a little less lean too. I trained 3 years before I took any thing. i didnt take anything till I was25. Im 27 now and Im glad I waited. Im interested in your progress because you have similar stats to me. Keep up the good work bro.

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good job bro,keep it up!

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