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Health Tips

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1. To avoid diseases like hepatitis and Typhoid, eat 5 basil leaves everyday.

2. For tooth ache, keep a clove on the affected area.

3. Have a mixture of gingelly oil and egg, for 3 days, for menstrual disorders.

4. You will get a great relief from menstrual pain , if you have a gooseberry daily.

5. Boil the leaf of Malabar nut, squeeze its juice and add egg white. It subsides cough.

6. Eat the powder of dried ginger and cumin with sugar for relief from cough.

7. Have the mixture of mustard paste and honey for good relief from cough.

8. For a good relief from cough, mix equal quantities of basil juice, honey and ajwain juice and drink on an empty stomach.

9. Are you suffering from urinary infection? Drink a glassful of water with a pinch of cardamom powder.

10. Have a mixture of lemon juice and honey when you are suffering from cold.

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 1450

have you tried any of these?


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... and apparently red placebo pills are better than white placebo pills

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Hi Guys,
This is Benjamin, Here are some tips that will put pep back in your step:
1) Join the gym and exercise at least four times a week
2) Cut back on carbohydrates and eliminate sugar from your diet
3) Drink water instead of soda, at least 8 glasses of water a day
4) Eat lots of fruits and vegetables
5) Lose weight. Even a small amount of extra weight will make some people feel tried.
6) Get plenty of sleep. Most Americans sleep less than 8 hours a night. 7) Just an extra 45 minutes of sleep will bring your energy level up.
8) Clutter distracts the mind, making it difficult to concentrate. 9) De-clutter your life and get a boost.

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Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 122
Posted by: benjaminshr
Hi Guys,
This is Benjamin, Here are some tips that will put pep back in your step:
1) Join the gym and exercise at least four times a week
2) Cut back on carbohydrates and eliminate sugar from your diet
3) Drink water instead of soda, at least 8 glasses of water a day
4) Eat lots of fruits and vegetables
5) Lose weight. Even a small amount of extra weight will make some people feel tried.
6) Get plenty of sleep. Most Americans sleep less than 8 hours a night. 7) Just an extra 45 minutes of sleep will bring your energy level up.
8) Clutter distracts the mind, making it difficult to concentrate. 9) De-clutter your life and get a boost.

Wow , I dont know what to say to this. It sounds like a sunday morning special.

i was the 1997 International Spelling Bee Winnur

Eminent Member
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Posts: 25

Re: Health Tips

Posted by: danielclark

1. To avoid diseases like hepatitis and Typhoid, eat 5 basil leaves everyday.

2. For tooth ache, keep a clove on the affected area.

3. Have a mixture of gingelly oil and egg, for 3 days, for menstrual disorders.

4. You will get a great relief from menstrual pain , if you have a gooseberry daily.

5. Boil the leaf of Malabar nut, squeeze its juice and add egg white. It subsides cough.

6. Eat the powder of dried ginger and cumin with sugar for relief from cough.

7. Have the mixture of mustard paste and honey for good relief from cough.

8. For a good relief from cough, mix equal quantities of basil juice, honey and ajwain juice and drink on an empty stomach.

9. Are you suffering from urinary infection? Drink a glassful of water with a pinch of cardamom powder.

10. Have a mixture of lemon juice and honey when you are suffering from cold.

...Riiiiiiiiight....Almost like standing on one leg while rubbing the left ear with your right hand and singing a song will bring you inner peace.

How about this:

"If you take the red pill, you wake up in the morning and forget all this. If you take the blue pill, you will come with me and I will show you just how far the rabbit hole goes"
Morpheus - The Matrix.

Getting on your bike and riding it like you stole it from someone who was angry at the world when they woke up today will help make you faster. (And it's more fun than all the hokus pokus listed above!!)


To most the marathon is the ultimate test of human endurance. To us it's just the cool down!

Pain is temporary - Quitting lasts forever

Regardless of how hard you train - The time is going to go by anyway so if you are going to throw a leg over your bike you may aswell bust you ass, make as many watts / do as many intervals as you can.

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Posts: 2

Hello ,
Here are some health care tips:
1. Take a bag of fresh or frozen cranberries and boil them in water (they will fall apart). Cool and drink. Don't add sugar! This remedy is also useful for people with kidney problems.
2. Boil 2 figs in 1 cup of water. Drink daily for a month.
3. Slice a raw onion and place over the bruise. Do not apply this to broken skin.
4. Take a few fresh betel leaves and crush it until it gets into pieces. Squeeze it to get a teaspoon full of essence mix it with honey. Taking twice or thrice a day would help reduce common cold.

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Posts: 165

i think anyone other than obvious 4 should be fucking banned and deleted

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 1450

your right, but a little object lesson first.


Seabiscuit Hogg
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 455

Health TipS. 1. If there's a sharp piece of glass on the toilet seat. Don't sit on it without removing the glass first. 2. Cheesecake's not the best cutting food. 3. If someone just ate a bowl of chili. Don't stand behind them in the squat rack. 4. Don't drink a case of beer everyday to lose weight. 5. Don't cuss out guys three times as big as you are.

Seabiscuit Hogg is a fictious internet character. It is not recommended that you receive medical advice from fictious internet characters.

SBH :)
