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Joined: Jul 24, 2019
Last seen: Jan 26, 2022
Topics: 3 / Replies: 8
RE: Anyone ever try a Test Prop/Turinabol cycle?

Im surprised at how well im doing iwht my all oral cycle, I think i will try this as a cutter/lean mass cycle and give a good report on it

3 years ago
RE: Review this Test Prop/Turanabol cycle, completely charted out

Posted by: D.K. 400mg of test prop a week is going to kill you brother. its not enoughyour levels are going to all over the place unless you plan on...

3 years ago

yeah, let me know what you find out, i noticed all teh same things. they are very similar. naps got a good review on another page.

3 years ago
RE: Sildenaplex, Taldenaplex?

just checked the mail, product is here, girlfriend will be over soon. I should know within 4 hours. im taking half of a sildenaplex tab to start. ive ...

3 years ago
RE: Sildenaplex, Taldenaplex?

mine will be here any day now and i defnitely will post the results. i actually logged in today to post to ask if axio or anyone else would ever make ...

3 years ago
RE: Cutting Cycle

Hey mang, My next cycle will be the same as you just described. Test prop and Turanabol, backed with Proviron, HCG, and Nolva for pct/gyno control, an...

3 years ago
RE: Propandrol

Im such a noob. If you do NOT massage the area after you inject the prop is painless. Making my life alot easier now

5 years ago