Active Member
Joined: Mar 9, 2022
Last seen: Jul 19, 2022
Topics: 1 / Replies: 5
RE: Which EQ?

Same here... Axio EQ was good on last cycle but I would go for British Dragon...

2 years ago
RE: Test-Prop pain?

Currently doing Syntrop Prop... the stuff is not painless but very close to it. My last batch of Axio test-E was worse...

2 years ago
RE: I have Deca Gyno!

Guys, I was wondering in this case... if Senate lowers or eliminates the deca from his cycle ; would that reduce or eliminate his prolactin issue? ......

2 years ago
RE: Seal on vial was not crimped

Thanks EL Hefe... got contacted already asking for pics.

2 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 511
RE: Hcg And Test!!

I believe the general consensus is to use HCG during cycle. I highly recommend you check out Visions HCG & PCT sticky at the PCT forum.

2 years ago