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Can one take nolva and clomid together?

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Hi Fellows, I took clomid and Nolvadex after cycle. I took the recommend dosage for both and I was wondering if I should had cutted down a bit on the dosage of each since I was taken them together. Is there any case relating to overdosage of these medication? Thanks

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I have geard that prolonged useage if clomid can cause sight problems...

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Thanks for the reply, would you give me more info about this please, I am having vision problems, but I took this medications 1 and half ago, so I don't know if it is related

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I can't but bump for some vet responses.

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I've used both together. Visual symptoms from clomid, described usually as "blurring" or spots or flashes (scintillating scotomata), increase in incidence with increasing total dose and disappear within a few days or weeks after clomiphene is discontinued. This blurring effect usually occurs in about 1.5% of the individuals who use clomid in clinical studies. These symptoms appear to be due to intensification and prolongation of after images. Symptoms often first appear or are accentuated with exposure to a more brightly lit environment. While measured visual acuity has not generally been affected, one patient taking 200 mg daily developed visual blurring on the seventh day of treatment, which progressed to severe diminution of visual acuity by the tenth day. No other abnormality was found, and the visual acuity returned to normal on the third day after treatment was stopped. One patient treated during clinical studies developed scotomata during prolonged clomiphene administration, which disappeared by the 32nd day after stopping therapy. In a 34 year old patient who had taken three courses of clomiphene, slit-lamp microscopic examination showed a mild amount of posterior cortical subcapsular capacity in each eye. Opthalmoscopic examination revealed normal findings. The ocular diagnosis was posterior cortical "senile" cataracts. Opthalmologically definable scotomata and retinal cell function (electroretinographic) changes have also been reported. But most of these side effects were considered to be rare......if the blurring gets bad I would just see an eye doc (after discontinuing usage) to make sure there aren't other underlying eye problems.....even though I have heard through third person accounts of permanent eye damage, I have not seen that either for myself or anyone else that I know of.......likewise consider that the period of use is relatively small in normal PCT......

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Using both is always a good Idea - to keep estrogen/test imbalance in check.

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Thanks guys

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i always use both post cycle along with either arimidex/letrozole/aromasin and a handful of other goodies

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That is good to know, thanks a lot, ripper, for replying

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If you continued to take nolvadex at 10 mg ed after your cycle, through pct, would you just quit taking it cold turkey with your last clomid dose or taper off?

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Originally posted by ripper i always use both post cycle along with either arimidex/letrozole/aromasin and a handful of other goodies I don't think it's a good idea to use armidex etc. with your PCT, as there is nothing to aromitise. Arimidex etc. operates by blocking the aromatase enzyme, the primary enzyme for the conversion of testosterone to estrogen.

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Originally posted by OlympiaMan Arimidex etc. operates by blocking the aromatase enzyme, the primary enzyme for the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. exactly
