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[Sticky] Axiolabs Reviews

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In this thread you are welcomed to share your personal experience with Axiolabs Laboratories brand products, by leaving a review below. You can purchase their products from a legit Axiolabs supplier.

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12 week cycle of test cyp and 6 weeks of tren ace. Ran the test at 500/ week split in two doses for the first 4 weeks then dropped the test to 200/ week and started the tren at 100 eod for the 6 weeks. After the tren was gone upped the test back to 500/ week for the last two weeks. Started pct 2 weeks after last pin. Had some brand x nolvadex a friend gave me. Had a total of 50 tabs ran this 2 a day for the first 2 weeks then one a day until all tabs were gone.

I am 29 years old this was my first cycle had great gains on this Axiolabs gear. Had been lifting seriously for a year prior to getting on and started at 6' 150lbs got to 180lbs natty and got to 215lbs at the end of the cycle and held 205 after pct. Stayed around 200lbs after three months off. Very pleased.

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Pinned test e monday wednday friday . started at 250 and at week 8 i tapered up to 1000mg weekly.tren e started at 200 once a week then tapered to 500 . dbol ran 40 mg for last 4 weeks of cycle . gained 16 lbs solid muscle ripped up and was probably my best cycle on getting thefts results. i seen my body change tremedously and the trend holy fuck do you get strong i went from benching 275 repping 3-5 times , to 355 1 time!

if you haven't tried anything else besides geneza products, i highly recommend to pull the trigger on axiolabs ! cheaper and in my opinion better quality ! I've always been a fairly big guy buy since i started anabolic and haven't used any other products besides axiolabs I've became a fucking monster!

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 I went with the same pre-design stack that I had use previously with great results. The stack consists of items0: 2 x Axio Test Cyp 250, 2 x Axio Methan10, 2 x Axio Anastrozole

Cycle Length and layout: Length 10 weeks

Weeks 1-4  Methan10 40 mg per day
Weeks 1-10 500mg Test Cyp per week
Weeks 1-10  Anastrozole 5 mg per day (continue to run this for 10 days after cycle)

It's a perfect stack for me and gives me really good gains that stick around long after I'm off cycle. The quality of the product is top notch and the costumer service is great. I recommend Axiolabs based upon my multiple successful orders and good quality gains.

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Everything, and I mean everything is great quality. Eq has gotten me strong and vascular . Sustanon has gave me huge strength and size. Primobolan has made me literally like a rock. Excellent gear.

Don't hesitate to order from Axiolabs. Top notch place .

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The Sustaplex 350 is my favorite test product. I could definitely tell the Acetate and Prop of the Sust kick in.

The Mastoplex 200 is my favorite Mast product, due to their formula contains 200 mg of Enanthate, so you get some quicker benefit. The mast got me that hard and defined look I was looking for.

All products did what they were supposed to do, as I stated above. I used these products for 16 weeks.

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Every product from this lab has impressed me. I ran Test for 7.5 months and the other compounds intermittently and am now half way through a 45 day pct. I have never looked or felt better in my entire life. Bloodwork confirms I am healthy. I can attest to the potency and legitamacy of all products ordered. The mastaplex in particular was an incredible compound, one which I will be running in the future. It really helped me transform my physique when I used it at the end of my cutting phase. I highly recommend every product I ordered. Axiolabs has rightfully earned the business of every friend that follows my advice by offering powerful gear at competitive prices.

I was skeptical at first, but Axiolabs won my trust by being high quality. I am glad they did win my trust, because I have benefitted tremendously as a result.

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Running Axio Prop with a a bit of Axio enanth to keep test lvls more stable in my blood. Personally find it a great combo. Currently still on and loving lifts & life. I've used Axio Dbol 50mg to kick my cycle and i've used Axio stan 50mg in a previous cycle. Axio products are very quality, everything is doing what it should be. Dbol pumps were insane and so aggressive it made squatting and dead lifting with lower back pumps almost unbearable but i know its legit cause i get crippling back & calf pumps from orals. Oral stan, was legit and i found extremely potent. Vascularity and muscle density had ppl turning heads. Axio line is fine.

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Product quality is excellent. Everything I've tried did what it was supposed to. The oxyplex was great! I was concerned because I read that it's one of the strongest orals out there and I was new to AAS so I stashed them for a few years before using them. But once I did take them I was blown away. Oxyplex is now my favorite oral by far! Their TESTAPLEX CYP IS LEGIT. I've used products from other sources, and it is the same effective gear as it always seems to be. EXEPLEX/TEST CYP is always key for me as the blood work confirmed. TEST CYP AND DECA has always been good to me. It was the first to have ever run, and it is legit, and works as good as most others I've tried.

I order from AXIOLABS with confidence. Experience, being the best teacher, has given me confidence in their products, and their reliability. I would definitely recommend them A+ lab

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Recently finished a first cycle with Axio Test, deca and Adex. This stuff is good to go. Got spectacular gains!

Product quality is best I've had yet. I was on test for 14 weeks and deca for 12. Smooth pins, amazing gains. The Adex really helped keep the sides and water retention to a minimum so I never got bloated. Majority of the gains were lean.

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i have a complaint about axio gear. the Anavar is obviously over dosed! i just got done doing chest and i fought painfull pumps in my calves and abs the whole time! un believable pumps! and the test, well every since i switched i have had a constant hard on! i am seven weeks out, eating only about 100g of caRBS a day, doing cardio twicw a day before i even get to the gym to lift and my strength is still going up! to good to be true. your gear is too good!

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man it sucks to be you bro!! lol this axio gear is the bomb,good luck with the cycle bro


looking for time and financial freedom

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I felt the sust in about a week and a half, my aggression went up in the gym i was sweating more and my face got oily. The tren and mastaplex worked as it should, I lost about 10-15 pounds and noticed my shoulders got cut pretty good. I just started PCT so I'll review that as I finish up on the cycle

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I ran 500mg of test E 2x a week and 350mg if deca 2x a week for 12 weeks. I just finished my last deca pin today and will be on 500 mg test E 2x a week for next 3 weeks. As far as product quality it was as good as any I have ever run. No pip, pinned easily thru 25g pin. Skin got nice and oily, back and shoulders got typical acne and sex drive thru the roof. Deca really started kicking in on or around week 5-6. Joints felt great and strength and size were quite impressive. Trained hard 5 days a week diet was fairly strict. Gained about 15 pounds from 12 week deca and test cycle. Overall I have been extremely satisfied with the quality of the gear and the results.

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Bought 300 10mg Oxandroplex. I picked up this anavar for my wife and our friend (also female). They have been on just over a month now and the difference in both of them is visibly noticeable. They both also train like mad, two times a day most days. My wife has experienced a little extra acne and initially a bit of an uneasy feeling but now is good. Our friend on the other hand has been on fire in the gym, but also says she is way more emotional than before the Anavar. It should be noted tho that she is just recently divorced and emotions are high to begin with. They both are very pleased overall. Hell , I am tempted to try 20 mg a day myself..

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