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Information about BodyPharm company has recently gained a lot of activity, which is due to the considerable interest among people and the flattering reviews of expert commissions, which tirelessly give positive results of inspections of the effectiveness of the company's pharmaceutical products. The production capacity of the pharmaceutical brand BodyPharm, specializing in the production of medications, is located in the most favorable, unspoilt ecologically safe and clean countryside of Japan.

The official launch of production occurred relatively recently, however, for so short a period of time (by the standards of production workers), the company gained considerable popularity and demand not only on the national but also in the world's pharmaceutical market. The assortment and variety of products cover many areas and specifics, and also applies to drugs intended for both human drug treatment and veterinary.

BodyPharm reviews are almost unanimously say that the health of the patient is a top priority for the company. In practice, this is proved by the fact that the technological process of production of pharmaceutical products is constantly being optimized, supplemented, expanded by the application of innovative technologies and developments.

Moreover, the most important factor is the fact that as raw material for BodyPharm products is exclusively safe, modern mixtures are used that allow not only to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time, but also to minimize the harmful effects of individual components of the drug composition on the body. Throughout the period of active work, this pharmaceutical company aims to maximally improve the formulas used and to bring their quality to a new level, which is very successful.

The high effectiveness of drugs from this brand is expressed not only by considerable demand, but also confirmed by certificates of international standard. You can buy BodyPharm steroids on Internet or in special shops.

In this thread you are welcomed to share your personal experience with BodyPharm brand products, by leaving a review below.

40andpumpin, tattoomeblew, htone and 1 people reacted
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Posts: 44

The test prop was used as at the back end of a long estered cycle for 4 weeks after last sustunon pin at 100mg eod and tapered down over the course of 4 weeks each week the quantity was halfed. This makes pct for me so much easier to deal with.

The tren has yet to be used when I am in exactly the condition is need to be to reap the full benefits from it.

Black Baccara
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 86

Used the Anadrol on its own just to test it out without other stuff. Had very rapid gains and increases in strength. I can safely say this is a legitimate product, it works and it works well!, ran it for a few months and never had any real noticeable side effects other than perhaps some acne initially which was easily combated by washing my face.

Overall I am very happy with the product quality. 10/10!

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Posts: 160

Trenbolone acetate, test propionate, masteorn propionate - all these 3 compounds are part of my current cutting stack. it has been now more about 2 weeks and i have already started noticing fat loss, strength, crazy pumps, aggression and vascularity. apart from that my libido is very high. on careful note i immediately started cabergoline 0.5 mg every 3 days alongwith tren and using anti aromatase as well. so far my i am happy with the way these 3 compounds are changing my body but i want more out of it so i might increase the dose after running these for couple of more weeks.

all products injected in the same syringe and slight pip has been noticed so far but nothing to worry about. acne getting denser and spreading all over my back and shoulders now. bodypharm rocks !!!

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Posts: 4

Bodypharm Cut Stack -  Im starting my third week with this product at 1.25ml eod. In my humble opinion I think this product has the same amount of pip you would expect from a short ester blend. Tolerable for sure. At this point Ive put on 5-7lbs and pumps are excellent. Libido and aggressiveness are up as well as my temperature and have had a few restless nights. All what you would expect from this type of blend. So far Im very pleased with my results and would run this again. Ive never had an issue with Bodypharm. They have a good variety of products.

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Posts: 15

Test Prop, Test E, Masteron Prop.

On week 12 of a cycle, used the prop to kickstart 1ml eod, and test-e 750mg p/w. Added in the Mast week 9 1ml eod, gonna run it another few weeks to bring the cycle to a close. Libido is through the roof, strength shot up around week 7 (nice as I'm a powerlifter), and have put on 10lbs so far. Using adex and haven't experienced water retention.

BodyPharm gear is great, would definitely recommend it.

Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 19

Writing the review for the bodypharm sustanon I picked up during a promo.

So i did a 12 week cycle I pinned 1/2 cc eod for 12 weeks. Zero pip oil was very smooth. Start to feel it kick in by week three energy levels went up felt all lot better. By week five started making some noticeable gain size strength and endurance.

Great lab already made my next order.

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Posts: 7

BodyPharm Methandienon

Excellent quality considering this is a UGL you would think they were from a real Pharms company, 1 week in and I could see and feel an improvement 2 weeks in and this stuff is brilliant. Certianly didnt know what to expect but this has helped me both physically and mentally.

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BodyPharm  Sustanon (10 vials)

BodyPharm had been on my radar for a while. Front loaded @1200mg/week, followed by 600 mg/week rest of the cycle. Made my libido go sky high, Amazing strength, kept water retention under control. Big part of it was obviously clean diet, u aint gonna bring the best out of it, if nutrition and training is not up to par. No worries on gyno, headache etc. Acne, oily skin and some times aggression. On rare occasions, slight pip. Later pinning got easier and smooth.

I recommend this Sustanon!

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Review for Bodypharm clen

I just came off a sustanon and dbol cycle and gained a bit of fat and used clen a couple of years ago with OK results so I thought of try it again . I started with 1 tab 40mcg for the first week and 80mcg for the second week , I was shaking like crazy and heart rate was quicker but nothing to worry about , I lost 6lbs in those two weeks which I'm happy with because my metabolism is naturally slow , a big calorie deficit and cardio also made a big diiference , I'll do another two week cycle soon . Always happy with products

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Been running the prop and turanabol for about 4 days now. Feeling the swole in my hands faster than I ever have before. This is legitimate product and I seriously cant say enough how much i appreciate these guys.

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Posts: 64

Been on the BodyPharm's Dianabol @ 30mg ED and the Test-E for the last 3 days getting back pumps at work today like mad...ouch. Top bloke, legit gear

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This was the best quality dbol ive used to date. I used for 4 weeks at the beginning of my last cycle with added vigor and muscle size I wasn't use to compared to my previous dbol source

Give these guys a go. Have an up coming cycle I plan on kickstarting with their dbol. You should too for your next cycle. Your joints will thank you!

Eminent Member
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I know their quality is high, because i bought it before true another retailer.

Also with the Oxandrolon / Stanozolol orals cycle great results.

Highly recommend!

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Posts: 3

I have a RX for 200mg of Test per week that I get from my local pharm and my blood work always had me at 400 to 600. After using 270mg a week of Sust my blood work came back at 1533. It's good, maybe too good. LOL. Now I have to give blood because my red cells are too high. Labs don't lie.



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