Dragon Pharma Revie...
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Dragon Pharma Reviews

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Honorable Member Admin
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dragon pharma

Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids from Dragon Pharma are very popular among athletes and bodybuilders around the world. Such popularity they have thanks to high production standards, modern equipment and proven efficiency, for sports and bodybuilding purposes these products are guaranteed to be "working", as evidenced by numerous reviews about their use. On steroids market, drugs from this company appeared only in 2009, and immediately received its target audience, at the moment, being one of the most reliable underground manufacturers of steroids.

Dragon Pharma products are in high demand, given that they produce exclusively genuine drugs.

Due to the high popularity of Dragon Pharma steroids, quite a lot of fakes have appeared quite logically, therefore, on their official site dragon-pharma.com, the manufacturer has implemented a system for checking the security code on their products.

In this thread you are welcomed to share your personal experience with Dragon Pharma brand products, by leaving a review below.

If you are looking to buy Dragon Pharma products, then check their official store at dragonpharma.net.

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Admin

TheSandman, Clarityandfocus, Dodnof and 2 people reacted
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This is top shelf. I have put on 7 pounds of pure muscle through stacking Dbol and Anavar. I got some tamoxifen also which I haven't ran yet because I'm not PCT but I'm sure it's the same.

I'm looking to try Clen because that is off the hook as well all I took was 40mg and usually the next day I have to up the dose but not with these guys gear.

You don't stop working out because you grow old. You grow old because you stop working out.

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I started with boldenone (500), propinate (100) and Trenbolone acetate (100), the result after two weeks and are starting to show, I'm much harder, and despite being doing much aerobic exercise is growing my muscle mass, the product goes well, I'll tell evolution

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Tren Ace, Test E, Dbol. Great quality products, did a 12 weeks bulking cycle. Gained 10 kg, did get some mild side effects as to be expected, but nothing too serious.

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I purchased trenbolone acetate. I was looking for this tren since long

I am currently running this tren with winstrol, test pp and eq. My body is vascular tight and hard. The aggression is very strong from it. Making me look like an asshole and arrogant mean person but i am trying to cope with it by putting my energy in the gym. Strength is very high. Body staying lean even with consuming lot of calories. Strong trenbolone.



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DP Test E.

DP Tren

Sex drive went through the roof and I had some insane night sweats, which told me the products were working. I also experienced tren cough on a number of occasions. The tren ended up being too strong for me so I dropped it half way through cycle and stuck with the test, for what was 14 weeks in total. Just finishing PCT now.

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This was a 8 week cutting cycle 50mgs of tren ace and test prop. Ended up gaining 5 pounds and losing some inches around the waist.

Tren was fucking awesome all usual sides sweating like crazy and paranoia was also present which sucks! my aggression in the gym was out of this world. Now for my libido it was very present! wanted to bone my girl about 3 times a day she couldn't handle it lol overall great productS


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DP Test E

DP Dianabol

I did 12 weeks Test and in the middle of it I did the Dbol. The products were strong. The Test was Test - slow, hard, real gains. I love Test. The Dbol was dramatic. My bench went from 90kg to 100kg in three weeks and my weight went up my almost 20lbs. I hated Dbol though, it's not for me. I won't try it again. It made me feel nauseous and it felt my heart pressure went through the roof. I had a resting heart rate of over 80 bpm and I'm fairly in shape. Maybe it would work better for someone else but not for me.

I had Anastrozole and Clomid already. I had no PIP.

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I have been running both products for 2 weeks now.The quality was spot on. The prop was pretty strong. I can feel prop on the 2nd or 3rd day and if anything it was a little overdosed and NPP is perfect. Skin is oily as hell especially forehead, libido is through the roof, great feeling in the gym, strength is amazing, and the NPP give me awesome pumps. I like it a lot. I had no pip whatsoever on either of his products NONE! Very nice oils very clear.

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I have used deca for two weeks and it felt good in the gym, also got (deca dick) which is sucks even tho with 400 of test a wk, but all good now,I took .5 caber and it is back to normal. So far so good no pip at all even tho i inject it into delt. I kept primo,eq and hex for later.

- RR
" Go hard or go home !"

"Lightweight baby!"

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DP cypionate

I have used dragon pharma cypionate before and its been the best I have used I have also used dragon pharma deca and dbol and both were really effective

my number one choice, good gear

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My review for my test only run with Dragon Pharma

Dragon Pharma is kind of a trendy brand at my gym so when I ran it I had high expectations and it didn't let me down I even pulled bloods on cycle knowing it was good just to see what my numbers looked like and I was well above what I thought I should had been at that dose possibly because of the proviron effects with test utilization.

Over all i ran it 750mg a week for 10weeks with 25mg provirn a day and .25mg adex every other day. I gained loads of strength with little change to my diet and about 12lbs lean whilst keeping my libido high with the proviron and with the adex I stayed very dry and my bloods even showed my estrogen a bit too low in fact.

I enjoyed my run, not too heavy but very productive and I enjoyed the great year and after my bloods I ordered more I have sitting in my stash box

Highly recommended

Love the range of products!

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1x DP Test P

1x DP Test C

1x DP Tren A

1x DP Mast P


This is to add to my leftovers for a cycle next month. Already ran the test p & test c & tren a previously with great results. Can confidently vouch for this lab.

Wicked Design
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Anavar 10 mg.

Been on for 8 weeks and have strength and gained about 4 lbs of clean muscle.

That's all I wanted really since I just hit my 40's.

Muscles definitely harder.

Great products.

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Sust was on point at 700 mg week broken into 2 inj one mon am and again thur pm

While I was getting all the expected benefits of the sust ( sense of well being , annoying erections at any given moment depending on the wind , kill it attitude at the gym etc.)

This was my first experience with Dragon Pharma.

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