Last seen: May 30, 2019
Let's assume all bloodwork and physicals come back normal. I think he is at an age where he could benefit from HGH and Test. Just my opinion. I am 39 ...
test, Tren And winny
thanks Bro. Good thoughts
Posted by: jboldman you need both protein powder AND bcaas prior to working out resistance or cardio.jb I believe cardio on an empty stomach has more...
Re: Re: Eating before a workout Posted by: RippedRon Here's the thing JK, I'm going to go ahead and assume that you have a pretty solid diet and that...
First time using the seller and couldn't have asked for a better one all emails replied to very quickly and a genuinely nice person all packaged secur...
Posted by: Interficium That doesn't make sense. While it does prevent tren dick while on cycle, adding test won't magically reduce tren degree of sup...
This is my first run on Tren. Running with test enanthate and intoducing winny in later weeks in placeof the Tren. I am only taking 75 mgs EOD and I c...
This is top shelf. I have put on 7 pounds of pure muscle through stacking Dbol and Anavar. I got some tamoxifen also which I haven't ran yet because I...
may I ask what your interest is in building muscle if any at all? 142 lbs? I think that was my birth weight. No my mom doesn't have a big cooch.
Re: Re: Everyones Thoughts on Diets Posted by: liftsiron Dr. Atkins has been dead for quite some time. I perfer high protein diets. Protein 50-55% ca...
I'm sorry but I have to ask as I don't know you and I'm new to this site. How intensely do you train? How long between sets? Do you break a sweat? Are...