Joined: Jun 24, 2018
Last seen: May 30, 2019
Topics: 1 / Replies: 12
RE: 35 yr old feeling50

Let's assume all bloodwork and physicals come back normal. I think he is at an age where he could benefit from HGH and Test. Just my opinion. I am 39 ...

5 years ago
RE: Spring Cutting Cycles

test, Tren And winny

6 years ago
RE: Eating before a workout

thanks Bro. Good thoughts

6 years ago
RE: Eating before a workout

Posted by: jboldman you need both protein powder AND bcaas prior to working out resistance or cardio.jb I believe cardio on an empty stomach has more...

6 years ago
RE: Eating before a workout

Re: Re: Eating before a workout Posted by: RippedRon Here's the thing JK, I'm going to go ahead and assume that you have a pretty solid diet and that...

6 years ago
Replies: 20
Views: 7285
RE: BuySteroids.Ws Reviews

First time using the seller and couldn't have asked for a better one all emails replied to very quickly and a genuinely nice person all packaged secur...

6 years ago
RE: Trenbolone and Winstrol Depot stack

Posted by: Interficium That doesn't make sense. While it does prevent tren dick while on cycle, adding test won't magically reduce tren degree of sup...

6 years ago
RE: Trenbolone and Winstrol Depot stack

This is my first run on Tren. Running with test enanthate and intoducing winny in later weeks in placeof the Tren. I am only taking 75 mgs EOD and I c...

6 years ago
RE: Dragon Pharma

This is top shelf. I have put on 7 pounds of pure muscle through stacking Dbol and Anavar. I got some tamoxifen also which I haven't ran yet because I...

6 years ago
RE: Trying to get really lean...

may I ask what your interest is in building muscle if any at all? 142 lbs? I think that was my birth weight. No my mom doesn't have a big cooch.

6 years ago
RE: Everyones Thoughts on Diets

Re: Re: Everyones Thoughts on Diets Posted by: liftsiron Dr. Atkins has been dead for quite some time. I perfer high protein diets. Protein 50-55% ca...

6 years ago
RE: Calories & Fat Loss - WTF!

I'm sorry but I have to ask as I don't know you and I'm new to this site. How intensely do you train? How long between sets? Do you break a sweat? Are...

6 years ago