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Anavar for females question

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Posted by: jboldman
two things, this study was done with 20mg a day, not really enough to see changes in a bbr. second, you did see the recommendation that indirectly steers you away from Anavar towards an androgen that does not adversely affect lipid levels. That is lifts point.


Some guys around (like me) a far from being a bodybuilder . Maybe 20 mg would do the trick for a novice guy... but maybe you're right!

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give it a try, there are some who love anavar.


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Posted by: Bellina
At 15 mgs I had irregular liver values. So take it how you would like it. I have gone as high as 20 mgs and had no fat loss. Those who do are generally on strict diets and doing a lot of cardio. If anything the fat loss is generally due to the increase in muscle upping the metabolism. There are very few studies done on women with low dose var only.

I'm not here for debate. I gave my opinion as a woman who has seen it happen and I will leave it at that. This is why I usually don't give opinions here. Everything is always debate.

I don't really consider any of most of the lab testing to be worth anything. People are always posting studies done on rats, older people or men. They aren't real world to me.

There is beauty in debating. For centuries it has been one of the pillars of science. We're having a mature debate, everyone's respecting each other's opinion, not even a word of disrespect, the end result... nobody loses, everybody wins... improved knowledge! Just wanted to let you know that your opinion lady is very important to us. Peace.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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Posted by: ready2explode
I don't understand how women can permanently stop their hormone production? Women stay on birth control for many years, which essentially is doing the same.

IMO, I prefer the studies done on burn victims (sadly, more are on children). Many of the studies run for a year. The doses are a bit lower, though. I've seen .5-.1mg/kg/d.

Personally, I think that both lipids and elevated liver enzymes would be a problem, albeit small.

Just go get these two checked by the doc. This will tell you when you have to end a cycle, and when you can begin.

Agreed bloodwork will answer many questions.

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Posted by: guijr
I'm sure you don't wanna get a condition called Female Hypogonadism.

It seems Female Hypogonadism is caused by a lack of estrogen, and I don't think AAS causes a decrease there. Or at least, nothing significant as far as I know.

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Posted by: ready2explode

Personally, I think that both lipids and elevated liver enzymes would be a problem, albeit small.

Just go get these two checked by the doc. This will tell you when you have to end a cycle, and when you can begin.

A good recommendation, I've had negative lipid profile changes before on Deca, so I'm sure that the Anavar will act similarly.

Thanks to everyone to contributed an opinion, each was valuable.

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What was the dose you took of deca?

Could you report back if you test your lipids on the var?

I'd like to compare the two.

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Posted by: guijr
There is beauty in debating. For centuries it has been one of the pillars of science. We're having a mature debate, everyone's respecting each other's opinion, not even a word of disrespect, the end result... nobody loses, everybody wins... improved knowledge! Just wanted to let you know that your opinion lady is very important to us. Peace.

True, but sometimes I just get tired of trying to give advice and feeling like I am being faught against. I'm just here to try to help. I'm just tired in general guys. Life is just rough sometimes, for everyone. I didn't take offense to anything. I just don't see much sense in debate for the sake of debate.

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Posted by: jboldman
bell, we appreciate your opinion and i for one would be inclined to follow your advice were i a women.

I see no need for you to debate and hope you take no offense. ipersonally have seen my liver values shoot sky high on small doses and have also seen negative effects on lipids. Two reasons why i no longer take anavar. I think if nothing else, the one thing we can all say with 100% confidence is that we all will react differently and in some cases very differently. always better to be cautious and proceed slowly. once you see how you personaly react to can titrate the dose if you choose.


True. My one true concern is that initially sonic was talking about running it indefinitely. That is my true concern above all else. I don't believe any aas is safe enough to take year round. Var was initially thought to be a good bridging compound also. But we find out new info everyday.

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Posted by: sonic
It seems Female Hypogonadism is caused by a lack of estrogen, and I don't think AAS causes a decrease there. Or at least, nothing significant as far as I know.

Female Hypogonadism may be due to either hypothalamic-pituitary defect or primary gonadal defect. Source: m" target="_blank" rel="noopener">

Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism describes absent or decreased function of the gonads -- the male testes or the female ovaries. It results from the absence of the gonadal stimulating pituitary hormones FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone). Source: m" target="_blank" rel="noopener">

Several kinds of E2 (oral and IM) are used to treat the female hypogonadism. Source: l" target="_blank" rel="noopener">

Never heard that this condition is due lack of E2. If you have any evidence about what you're saying I'd be glad to read it.

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Black Baccara
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Posted by: sonic
It seems Female Hypogonadism is caused by a lack of estrogen, and I don't think AAS causes a decrease there. Or at least, nothing significant as far as I know.

Androgens will impair LH release and so estrogen production. Under AAS women experiment estrous cycles irregularities.

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Posted by: Black Baccara
Androgens will impair LH release and so estrogen production. Under AAS women experiment estrous cycles irregularities.

Oh, that's right, I forgot about that - I've experienced it myself.

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Re: Anavar for females question

Posted by: sonic
Two questions, really:

1. Can I stay on anavar indefinitely, or does it need to be cycled like any other AAS? I'm on 10 mg/day, taken in separate 5 mg doses.

2. I am not experiencing any significant sides besides slightly oilier skin, but my strength in the gym is increasing and I get amazing pumps now. Oh, and I notice that I'm slightly flushed and warm much of the time.

Should I expect anything else? I was kind of hoping for decreased abdominal fat storage, but haven't seen anything like this yet.

I've been on for two and a half weeks now. Most of the advice I've seen is for men, and for them this is a mild drug, but I'm not sure about for females.

Thanks for any advice you might have!

Well, I'll chime in alittle hear while I'm passing through... Oxandrolone was created for numerous reasons, a few of them being for HIV/AIDS patients as well as females who have breast cancer.... Now I use these two for particular reason which will help make it a little more understandable...

As we all know, HIV/AIDS eats away ate the body as well as destroys the Immune system, so on and so forth... While trying to fight this virus, doctors needed to come up with something to boost or maintain the immune system as well as stop muscle wasting... After long trials and errors, one answer was Oxandrolone... Numerous University trials were conducted to test out the positive and negative side effects of Oxandrolone (I'll have to dig up a few of the studies) but in a nutshell, it was proven that a person can stay on oxandrolone everyday for the rest of there lives without negative or permanent side effects, moderate doses of course.... And of course the product would have to be effective in it's ability to work without negative side effects becasue a person with HIV/AIDS has a weakened immune system and would not be able to fight of negative side effects imposed by a drug they were taking.... A steroid destroying the liver would be highly detrimental to someone with the virus, they would have no way to heal.... Remember everybody differs, so somebody saying that they get sides from one product means nothing because it might just be their genetic makeup....

And of course, we had this discussion a few years ago about men taking too much oxandrolone (I believe it was close to 60-80mgs ED) which does in fact shut down your natural Testosterone production system (Sorry sonic for bringing it back to men)...

So to get to Sonic's questions:

1. Can I stay on anavar indefinitely, or does it need to be cycled like any other AAS? I'm on 10 mg/day, taken in separate 5 mg doses.

Yes, in fact you can, but of course you'll want to give your body a break... Your body is only going to respond for so long before you plateau off, so cycling is much better... Of course, you should get blood work done and stay up to date with changes on your body... Sure, you can listen to everybody else and what it does to them, but it's not you, so you'll only experience what is going to happen to your body yourself....

2. I am not experiencing any significant sides besides slightly oilier skin, but my strength in the gym is increasing and I get amazing pumps now. Oh, and I notice that I'm slightly flushed and warm much of the time.

Should I expect anything else? I was kind of hoping for decreased abdominal fat storage, but haven't seen anything like this yet.

I know alot of female fitness, figure and bodybuilding competitors both ameteur and professional that I've worked with use Anavar, so results will vary... It also will depend on which brand you use... I know quite a few females that use BTG Oxandrin have frequent yeast infections and occasional hot flashes.... Loeffler was a great product and always well liked among my circle, but it is quite hard to get for most people now becasue of the shut down of mexico... British Dragon makes a great one too, but again, depending on what you have access to it's what you can get... Not too many other side effects to expect except maybe high blood pressure and elevated liver values, but that's on the rare side... Any other question feel free to ask...


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Re: Re: Anavar for females question

I know alot of female fitness, figure and bodybuilding competitors both ameteur and professional that I've worked with use Anavar, so results will vary... It also will depend on which brand you use... I know quite a few females that use BTG Oxandrin have frequent yeast infections ....

AAS seem to do that in susceptible females, unfortunately. I think it is caused by increased body temperatures and possibly a pH change as well In case any other women are reading this, a doc told me that weekly vinegar/water douches restore normal pH and prevent the problem. Sorry for the TMI, but it is a real hassle to deal with.

Thanks GEORGE YOUNG and eveyrone else for the information, you addressed my questions directly and with relevant scientific evidence.

It's been another week, and I think I probably won't stay on for much longer than a couple of months, my skin is going crazy and I'm experiencing some water retention as well (which I hate). I am enjoying my training time in the gym, however, I look forward to every time I go in. I might try cutting back to 5 mg per day, see if I keep the strenth benefits without the skin oiliness.


Hudson: "Hey Vasquez, You ever been mistaken for a man?" Vasquez: "No...have you?"
Aliens, 1983

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