axio Methanoplex 50...
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axio Methanoplex 50 what colour are they?

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ive been offered some 50mg Dbol tabs made by axio.

i looked at axios homepage and judging by the photos the 10mg tabs are pink (slightly lighter shade than the british dragon 10mgs) and the 50mg tabs are orange.

could someone please let me know from the personal experience what colour the 50mgs are and also what colour the 10mgs are

many thanks

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the 10mg are pink...................

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10 MG were pink for me too, little ovals

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thanks guys, how about the 50mg

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Posted by: tasman
thanks guys, how about the 50mg

heres a pic

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sorry didnt work google it and click in the image tab

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If you got them from "George" then don't worry about the authenticity.

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yeah as i said earlier ive looked on axio site and the picture looks like the 50mg are orange, and the 10mg are pink.

my supplier has pink axio dbols and is claiming they are 50mg???

so could anyone who has axio 50mg dbol tabs let me know what colour they have


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im sure when i used the 10's they were stamped saying 10 so if there stamped saying 50 and your sure there axio should be ok

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Posted by: tasman
thanks guys, how about the 50mg

tasman, the 50's look orange,the 10's are pink.

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My Axiolabs 50mg methanoplex are pink ovals about the size of a tic-tac, i've just opened the pack to see.

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My 50's were pink as well.

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so the axio 10mg Dbols are pink
and the 50mgs dbols are pink as well ???????????

looking at the axiolabs homepage it definetly looks (judging by the pictures) that the
10mg dbol are pink and the
50mg dbol are orange

i would appreciate some more comments on this please, somethings not right

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Dunno, maybe there an older batch praps? Oddly tho, i took a photo yesterday to show you (had trouble loading it, so gave up) and the photo showed them as orange, but the axio logo in pink also appeared orange. Weird eh.
Perhaps axio sent the last of the 50mg BD dbols (orange) but restamped with their own logo.
Now i'm confused lol. My advice, gerrum down ya, but if you think they may be 50s i'd treat them like they are.
good luck man!

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Can anyone confirm the color of the Axio 10mg Turaniplex tabs? I got a batch of them and they're pink as well, I didn't get dbol by mistake did I?

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