Eminent Member
Joined: Jul 8, 2019
Last seen: Jul 23, 2022
Topics: 0 / Replies: 21
RE: muscle cramps on cycle

when you use clen you pretty much get cramps for the first week or two its not that your running low on somethink not sure on the things you said but ...

2 years ago
RE: Exeplex

yeah there good i use that as my anti e every cycle and im very gyno sensitive no problems and i naturally had puffy nipples as a teen and had to have...

2 years ago
RE: Test-Prop pain?

i tried both bd and axio prop i always heated the syringe and message the area after and never really had a problem but if you do still get pain then ...

2 years ago
RE: Just wondering what was your longest cycle

mine was about 16 weeks but now i stick around 12 -14 with the longer esters .

2 years ago
RE: Is This True? If So Why Would You?

i have heard of this before but only on forums i dont actually know anyone who has tried it

2 years ago
RE: can anyone give me a proven steroid mass cycle?

reseach is the key you could answer your own questions if you spent one day researching on this site alone its not as simple as take the gear and grow...

2 years ago
RE: Upcoming Cycle

i would say a lot of people do 16 wk cycles you seem to of planned it out ok but i wouldnt use nolva for pct keep the clomid and also use 1 tablet of ...

2 years ago
RE: axio Methanoplex 50 what colour are they?

im sure when i used the 10's they were stamped saying 10 so if there stamped saying 50 and your sure there axio should be ok

2 years ago
RE: axio Methanoplex 50 what colour are they?

the 10mg are pink...................

2 years ago
RE: Results so far..

masso8 any pics

2 years ago
RE: T-bol - bumped up the dose

are you using just t bol?

2 years ago
RE: British Dragon

Posted by: tatt2dave Im hoping anyone here can help me all my bros tell me bd products are crap and im wasting my cash here, I hope there wrong plea...

3 years ago
RE: Test E/Deca together

you can mix test and deca in the same syringe as there both oil based and you can inject in the same site but if you are doing 500mg test 250mg deca p...

3 years ago
RE: Update: cheers for help... am i going to die?

yeah you are using test e so you should inject twice a week 1ml(cc) twice a week you said you was going to do 2cc today .if you do twice weekly your t...

3 years ago
RE: need help!

if you post a picture i think some one on here can resize it but it sounds ok to me

3 years ago
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