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[Sticky] British Dragon Reviews

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you have tons of competitors here national and local all who use and trust BD products only for the gains. only thing i can say is try it and you wont be dissappointed. everyone here cant be wrong. plus look at the lab reports you can call the lab who did the reports and ask them .

*Disclaimer*: "DoubleWide" is a fictitious character with the sole purpose to entertain & theorize on the use of Anabolic Steroids for intellectual discussion. Any information or advice given out, stated, or implied by "DoubleWIde" is for entertainment purposes only & should not be considered the advocation of any illegal activity.

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Posted by: w000dy
Yeah bro I can say BD guys is awesome.Hell off their Test Prop and Tbol alone I gained around 15 lbs after PCT.And that was all lean mass too!

thankss guys

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Posted by: 4444
Bd is the best their is no comparison. Just listen to all the gains made on here about bd products. Don't knock it till you try it and I guarentee you won't be upset.

im not knockin it i got an order on its way ,just concerned

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Posted by: tatt2dave
Im hoping anyone here can help me all my bros tell me bd products are crap and im wasting my cash here, I hope there wrong please any help

your friends may of used bd products that didnt work but if thats the case they were proberbly fakes there are alot of scammers out there my first cycle i added an inch to my bi's in 10 weeks. buy from here use correct train and eat right and if you dont get results speak to a mod

a winner never quits and a quitter never wins

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This review is for some test prop and stanabol pills that was British Dragon.

Ran a 10 week cycle of test prop and noticed after a week my face was getting a lot more oilier and strength and weight were increasing both on the bar and the scale. Gained a lean 10 pounds of muscle this cycle why dropping body fat. Stanabol really took the water off of me

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The testabol enanth was an extra bottle I ordered to add to my current cycle. I was already using the test enanth for about 6 weeks. Pip was minimal to almost none. Libido was very high. I'm already naturally horny but this made me feel like a sex freak at times. My strength felt moderately increased. I definitely felt a difference then now that I'm already off my cycle. Blood work didn't get none to post actual levels but imndefinately gonna try to do so for next cycle. The trenabol enanth I haven't used due to already running deca in that cycle. So no review regarding that.

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Used sustabol 350 at 700mg a wk for ten wks with deca 250 at 400mg for 10 wks

tren e at 400mg for 10 wks and finished with winny tabs at 50mg a day for last 6 wks

gained solid 12 lbs after pct and kept it all

BD products are the real deal if you looking to get jacked

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The product quality was great. The Tren, Test Cyp, Test Prop, and Mast all seemed to work as advertised. I was getting a little more "rage" on these products than my local stuff and gains as well as strength increased.

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All products are top quality and the selection cant be beat. I cruise and blast and i keep coming back to BD for their outrageous selection.

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The methanabol I was running 40mg every day for 4 weeks notice slight water retention strength increase and elevated blood pressure.

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Trying this again guys !! I got my stuff a few months back and I ordered big money worth of gear over 1300 bucks started my cycle I was talking test e by british dragon and primo and eq man ohhh man let me tell you along with dbol and proviron I went from 228-250 very fast talking 4 weeks maybe? I had to lie about what I was doing different at the gym I got my blood taken for labs just for shits and giggles

Dr said my test was to high then I laughed at him it was 2198

So in the end very good stuff from British Dragon.

I'm a beginner so I only did one cc of primo one cc of test 1 cc of Eq 2 times per week injections were very smooth oils are very clean ! I start I started to see results immediately maybe is 325 weeks strength jumped up right after that was benching 3 plates on incline very easily my joints did not hurt my clothes did not fit very well anymore took my 21 inch arms to 22 inch arms no matter what I ate I still look good for this very reason I will always buy british dragon gear.

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The BD test c was awesome blood work showed test levels >1500 ng/dl and estro was held in check by the anastrozol. The cabar took care of prolactine issues and kept the purple headed yogurt thrower happy. I finished my last cycle with anavar and the strenght gains were obvious almost immediatly.

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The Clen is Fire! Felt it hard an hour after ingestion. HGH proved out in bloodwork!!! Quality gear.

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