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Is it normal to have an injection fetish?

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I find I get sexually aroused when I inject juice... Does anyone else experience this?

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do you mean you get sexually aroused when you're getting the hot beef injection???

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well, if you are giving yourself a hand-job while injecting then yes its normal to get aroused....other than long has it been for you? -lightweight

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A long, long time (one week).

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the only time i get wood when i shouldnt is when i am in the grocery store food shopping.

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Originally posted by Satan do you mean you get sexually aroused when you're getting the hot beef injection??? Too Funny...I mean, what do you say to that?

Deca Ready
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hey I'd say you could get a pain fetish going after a while of getting used to the injections. I kind of enjoy it and inject slowly to feel the needle and at times for the hell of it I'll pluck out a nose hair real slow so I can feel it. Plus the idea of a girl slapping me or scratching me or basically hurting me gets me going so yes but I'm not sure of how normal I am concidering some of the other guys on this board I guess I am normal...

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Originally posted by deca Ready at times for the hell of it I'll pluck out a nose hair real slow so I can feel it. LMAO

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Jimmy, what part of your arm are you injecting in? We are talking about anabolics here arent we? I dont have a sexual injecting fetish. However, I had an injection fetish with drugs. Heroin was the usual drug injected but when it wasnt around I found myself injecting everything in hopes of a rush and because of my fixation with putting a needle vain. I've IV injected vodka, xanax, valium, ativans, cocain, roxycodone, oxycotons, and of course the usual heroin. Once I spilled a spoon filled with cooked up heroin on my shirt, after wearing the shirt all day the next day I cut out the cloth it was spilled on and cooked up the fabric and shot it. I am so freagin happy to be clean now! I hate narcotics with every ounce of body! They are satan and if you slip up and give them a chance they will rape you for everything your worth. I fight everyday to stay clean if I dont it's suicide. Sorry for ramblin bros

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Originally posted by OlympiaMan I find I get sexually aroused when I inject juice... Does anyone else experience this? The more relevant question is whether you have two hands on your shoulders when you get "injected"...........methinks

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Originally posted by BIGCHEST1225 Jimmy, what part of your arm are you injecting in? We are talking about anabolics here arent we? I dont have a sexual injecting fetish. However, I had an injection fetish with drugs. Heroin was the usual drug injected but when it wasnt around I found myself injecting everything in hopes of a rush and because of my fixation with putting a needle vain. I've IV injected vodka, xanax, valium, ativans, cocain, roxycodone, oxycotons, and of course the usual heroin. Once I spilled a spoon filled with cooked up heroin on my shirt, after wearing the shirt all day the next day I cut out the cloth it was spilled on and cooked up the fabric and shot it. I am so freagin happy to be clean now! I hate narcotics with every ounce of body! They are satan and if you slip up and give them a chance they will rape you for everything your worth. I fight everyday to stay clean if I dont it's suicide. Sorry for ramblin bros CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU BRO! to be able to see the light and come clean is a BIG accomplishment. i've heard that once you get hooked like that its very very hard to do what you've done. one of my good buddys got the chance to talk to a guy who'd done exactly what you have... the guy told him that theres not a day that goes by where he doesnt' want a fix. the guy had been clean for a while and it was stricly by his own sheer willpower and desire not to fall back into that destructive lifestyle. i applaud you on staying clean. you've got your head on straight to see that the lifestyle you were leading before is suicide. keep on living man and stay strong

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Olympia your posts are starting to worry me and I like peeing in girl's butts!

Active Member
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 6 it's not normal you noob. Neither is it normal to think you will soon be able to kick everyone's ass cuae you do "joo jitsoo"! Wanker!
