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Most important aas 'rules' every newbie should know

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Im just curious about what things are most important besides diet and training that the new user should know. Perhaps its an idiotic thread but so far Ive been picking up on things piecemeal and wondered if there where specific things I should know which I dont yet..Thanx in advance for the patience.

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Good response Ike.. bro if you are a newbie may i suggest a cycle for you? my first ever cycle was the well known deca/Dbol/sust.
i did 400mg deca week , 35 mg dbol ed , and 750 mg sust week. of course i tapered and all that good stuff used clomid and all my anti e's took milk thistle and cranberry extract. i gained 18 lbs of good quality muscle. good luck i just thought this would be a good cycle for a begginer.. GURU...


" Where The Big Dogs Play "

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I disagree.

Posted by: ikedani
try something like
400mg test
400mg deca
400 mg test
30mg dbol ed

Why would you start a newbie out on Test right off the bat? That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. The smartest way to begin would be to start with the low androgenic, high anabolic compounds first to allow for free play later on. Using test first will only lessen the effectiveness of the weaker compounds. Test is mainly for the experienced user who has already done several cycles of increasingly powerful AS. For a beginner, I would recommend the following as an example:

200-400MG Deca per week
50MG Winstrol tabs ED or Winny-V Injectible
20-40MG D-bol Tabs ED

If you are mainly interested in strength gains (powerlifting) rather than mass (bodybuilding), substitute Halotestin or Trenbelone for the D-bol.

Hope this helps.

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Why would you start a newbie out on Test right off the bat? That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard

Am I missing something here?? You recommend halo, tren, dbol and winny but no test. If I were to suggest one compound to use for someone just starting out it would be good ole plain test. Last edited by gman67 on 10-20-2002 at 11:11 AM

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I disagree. I think test should be a main component in nearly any cycle whether or not you are a newbie or not. The androgenic sides are easily controllable, especially if the doses are low enough. Test also has relatively low toxicity,unlike halo or even winny.

Ikedani made some great points. To his I would add: Sleep at least 8 hours per day. Vitamin supplements and protein supplements are a big help.

When training it is important (at least to me ) to switch things up very often, at least every 3-4 weeks. You can keep the main compound movements, but the isolation exercises should change. I believe in throwing in forced reps, compound movements, supersets, etc. Especially if you are a bodybuilder. If you aren't these may not apply. Intensity is key. Going to failure on your working sets is key. Challenging yourself every week is key. I also switch from 4 day splits to 3 day splits and change around order and off days.

Diet is as essential if not morso, than training. The key is: Plan your work, and work your plan. Don't guess on diet. Whether you are bulking or cutting, lay it all out and count your protein, carbs, calories etc. Pay attention to the types of carbs and protein you are eating and when you are eating them. In the diet and training sections there are several good threads on this.

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I dont understand how you can throw halo , and tren in there to a newbie... how bout some good ol test..test...test..


" Where The Big Dogs Play "

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Everyone has made a lot of good points. But some people have specific wants/needs from a cycle. Consider the username of the member who started this thread: bjjfighter. If someone is training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu they may not want added bulk or bloat if they are trying to make weight, so tren would be appropriate, as would halo for a pre-fight addition to a stack. On the other hand if they are a heavyweight, bulk might be an asset so a test/deca cycle would be appropriate.

Most people remark about how tren increases their strength; another asset for a fighter. I would certainly avoid things like dbol, which for me anyway really slows me down, raises my BP and gives me nosebleeds. Who would want a fight stopped because their nose would not stop bleeding?

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One more point here...

I think that the doses that you guys recommend are too high without specific information on this guys goals/weight.

The generic doses that most BB's pass around are much higher than any athlete would ever need.

I used upjohn winny-v at 50mgs Eod and grew like a weed. I hit my highest weight at 218.

Most of the BB vets that I spoke to prior to my cycle recomended twice that dose, at twice the frequency.

I think you can start with a much lower dose than some would suggest.

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That is a good point. One of the kids ( I say kid; he's 23) at my gym just did his first cycle: 1 shot of Deca 300 per week for 6 weeks and got tremendous results. He started around 195, went to 210, and now 3 months later is at almost 205. That to me is great. He's not shredded by any means, but is much bigger and stronger.

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I see no problem with test in a cycle for a bjjfighter, you do not have to go overboard, watch your diet and sodium in particular. Test and tren would be ideal, imo at a reasonably low dose, say 400mg of test and 50-76mg of ta eod. I definitely agree with nandi re the dbol, bloat you up, cause incredible cramping, definitely NOT what you want if you are a fighter.


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Re: I disagree.

Posted by: division
Why would you start a newbie out on Test right off the bat? That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

For a beginner, I would recommend the following as an example:

200-400MG Deca per week
50MG Winstrol Tabs ED or Winny-V Injectible
20-40MG D-bol Tabs ED

If you are mainly interested in strength gains (powerlifting) rather than mass (bodybuilding), substitute Halotestin or Trenbelone for the D-bol.

This post makes no sense to me whatsoever....JMO. Not trying to flame.

Test would be much better for beginner than Halo, Tren, or winny IMO.

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Another point....

What's wrong with a single AS cycle? There is no need to resort to polypharmacy unless you've got so many cylces under your belt that you need to use 3-4 AS's per cycle in order to make gains.

Winny...50mgs ED...for six weeks...nothing else

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Posted by: monkeyballs
Another point....

What's wrong with a single AS cycle? There is no need to resort to polypharmacy unless you've got so many cylces under your belt that you need to use 3-4 AS's per cycle in order to make gains.

I think this is very important for a beginer. Untill you know how your body responds to individual compounds, you should stick with single compound cycles. If you are on test/deca cycle and start getting gyno, you have no idea if it is from Estrogen or Progestin unless you have done a cycle of each seperatly.
I say 400mg of test enanthate/wk is a great first cycle.

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Personally i think the best thing you could do with any foreign substance you put in your body is to know the drugs you are taking ... take your time and do your research... and remember there is no such thing as a magic potion and no magic pills... training and diet are the most important, however AAS can be very beneficial to strength and physique changes, but not if you don't understand the drugs you are taking and how to properly use them. How many guys are 130lbs and have done 6 cycles yet still look like shit? You have seen them around.

saint808 is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way, shape or form encourage, use nor condone the use of any illegal substances or the use of legal substances in an illegal manner. The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only and shall not take the place of qualified medical advice.

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Posted by: saint808
Personally i think the best thing you could do with any foreign substance you put in your body is to know the drugs you are taking ... take your time and do your research... and remember there is no such thing as a magic potion and no magic pills... training and diet are the most important, however AAS can be very beneficial to strength and physique changes, but not if you don't understand the drugs you are taking and how to properly use them. How many guys are 130lbs and have done 6 cycles yet still look like shit? You have seen them around.

Excellent post saint... man you better be at my wedding... if your not your gonna pay the price..


" Where The Big Dogs Play "

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