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Sust to Test e

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Can any one give me advice on switching over from sustanon to test e
half way through a 16 wk cycle.. I am just courious on if it would be a stupid move.. My source is out of sust but has test e.. what should I do find sust
or switch?

Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 59

You shouldnt have any problems with the switch. I think switching to test E is fine. I would probably just switch right over, maybe overlapping the two for a week or two. You will probably be fine just making a cold switch also.

"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers. For he today that sheds his
blood with me, Shall be my brother"

PLEASE Do Not ask me for sources!

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Agree. I forsee no real issues with this brother

Be safe


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test is test my freind its just a matter of the esters, sust has multiple esters but does contain eth so you should have no problems changing from sust to eth

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start the Test E asap

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thanks for the advice... I will do that right away....

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Posted by: 4thAD
You shouldnt have any problems with the switch. I think switching to test E is fine. I would probably just switch right over, maybe overlapping the two for a week or two. You will probably be fine just making a cold switch also.

That is exactly how I would do it, overlap it...

Its perfactly fine to go from a short ester to a long ester of Test or visa versa...
