Sustanon Flu!! Need...
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Sustanon Flu!! Need Help Guys!

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Man... i feel like horse shit... Another forum told me i was going to die... my heart rate resting has been 100 for the past 4 or 5 days... and i get a 100 degree fever also... I have read much about sust flu... but does sust flu cause rapid heart rate also?? i meen christ... i'll wake up from 8 hours of sleep and it is still 100.... and the fever thing is usually after injections... PLEASE HELP! im supposed to be going to the doctor on TUESDAY

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hey bro how much sus you using? this has happened to me before, and only with "down south of the border juice"

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600mg's a week with 450mg's of deca

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the explanation for "juice flu"-- when you put to much of a foriegn substance in your body, it responds by releasing anti-bodies, which cause flu like symptoms, achy joints, fever, increased heartrate, increase in blood pressure. an increase in overall body temp is usually noticeable with any good advice--get off for a few days or so and see if you fel better, i doubt you will die, although, i've felt that way before, usually due to high blood pressure from certain testosterones! best of luck

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lol thx alot man

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I think I had test flu only once, I took lots of vitamins and I was better in few days. maybe was something else that test flu

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Maybe you really have the flu?

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take 3 alleve and it will take care of it!!

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yea... it sucks.. usually hits me 1 or 2x usually in beginning... sweats... achey... fever... fun fun... oh well.. it's goner the next day

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the only time i ever got that flu type thing was when i was taking too much gear and my immune systems shut down and i got sick. i am very sensitive to roids, and this happened on the best(gains) but worst(health effects) cycle i ever did which was REAL and i will say again, real from the pharmacy on presciption sust250 organons and syntex anapolons. 250mg a week for 6 weeks and one Anapolon 50 a day. within the first 2 weeks my arms grew an inch and a half(pumped 17.5 to 19in) and my weight went up 8 kilos in those 2 weeks. but then i started feeling like i had the flu and then it hit me,felt like shit,no energy,flu symptoms etc and i had to terminate that cycle as it was just too much for me. again remember that i am very sensitive to medications including roids so the above dosages may seem laughable on this board ! i went to my doc and he told me that my immune system shut down and that made me suceptible to illness. well, he was just a gp so i rang the sports doc who put me on the cycle and he said exactley the same thing, and this guy is probably the most well known "sports" doc in sydney.(to the aussies, dr.m) i think you either have too high a dosage,dirty gear,or what carnivore said which is what happenned to me. all the best, blackninja.
