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Sustanon pain?????

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I have heard and read great things. Has anyone witnessed any pain with sustanon? If so, was the pain unbearable or was it tolerable? The first and last time I used Prop, I could not sit down for 3 days!!! So I thought to ask about Sustanon since it has a little Prop in it.


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prop can be very painful for some. I have run BD prop and it hurt like a bitch, then I ran GA prop and no pain at all.

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Posted by: 4thAD
prop can be very painful for some. I have run BD prop and it hurt like a bitch, then I ran GA prop and no pain at all.

I can't handle any water based gear. That is why I was wanting to know about Sustanon. I know Sustanon has low mgs of Prop, but still.....

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Prop is not water based gear. Just a different esther. Prop is a fast acting esther so you will need to pin ed, or at least eod. Yes, some people have pain from sust, and the prop is usually the culprit.

"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers. For he today that sheds his
blood with me, Shall be my brother"

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sust really bothers some people and it doesnt have any affect on others. regardless you will get used to both sust and prop pain. i would compare it to a horrible leg workout times two but its not unbarable tho.

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sus and andropen never really bothered me that bad. But straight prop can be a bitch. Just dont shoot Prop in the Bicep, I speak from Experience and it was fuckin hell.


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Posted by: androallen
sus and andropen never really bothered me that bad. But straight prop can be a bitch. Just dont shoot Prop in the Bicep, I speak from Experience and it was fuckin hell.


I can't imagine the Bicep!!! When I did my glutes, I could not sit down for three days!!!

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Posted by: Bucktooth
I have heard and read great things. Has anyone witnessed any pain with sustanon? If so, was the pain unbearable or was it tolerable? The first and last time I used Prop, I could not sit down for 3 days!!! So I thought to ask about Sustanon since it has a little Prop in it.


First couple times it made me pretty sore so I started mixing in with grapeseed oil and heating it.This took all the soreness away.

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Posted by: rebel20
First couple times it made me pretty sore so I started mixing in with grapeseed oil and heating it.This took all the soreness away.

No issue with the grapeseed oil??? Sounds like a good idea, thanks bro..

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yeah as stated. Warm it up and it makes your pinning SO MUCH BETTER!!!!!

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my first shot of sust hurt for a few day's but it was the only shot that hurt all my other sust shot's were painless, prop on the other hand alway's resulted in bad soreness the day after the shot.

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Posted by: johny knox
my first shot of sust hurt for a few day's but it was the only shot that hurt all my other sust shot's were painless, prop on the other hand alway's resulted in bad soreness the day after the shot.

Thanks bro, I am going to give it a try....
