Kena protocol for a...
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Kena protocol for a 4 days stage race...

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I was doing some research about a safe protocol to follow for using Kenacort during a 4 days stage race..I know that maybe using it for more than two days could be detrimental to my body...but I want to know how many days are SAFE to be used and in what kind of manner...

I had tested it before and injecting 20mg 72 hours before the event does the trick for me...What do you guys recommend me?...

Thanks a lot!

PD: What about using the 4mg Kenacort tablets? table each night before the next stage?...At least for the last three ?


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What would be superior: a higher single dose (40mg) maybe 5 days before the stage race? Or small doses (4-8mg) every night of the race in addition to the first 20mg shot?

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C`on guys no one has done this before?


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It differs from person to person bro.....I now like 30- 40 mg at least 3 days out and then a "top up" dose of 8mg the day before. You could continue with 8 a day during a stage race.

40mg is not too much. It is a standard dose in the medical field. It is the constant use of the stuff that is bad. Still I think 20-30 is a good place to start...why use more than you need too.
I asked someone "in the know" at work about cortico's and suppression and this doc said that it takes 2-3 weeks of usage to cause adrenal suppression.

Personally I would not use it very often though....maybe every 4-6 weeks for important races. Got to be in tune with yourself though as these drugs are catabolic and will also suck calcium out of ya...and cycling already does that through heavy sweating(sweat out calcium+++) and no weight bearing to stimulate the laying down of calcium/bone.

First of all I would try 20mg and 48-72 hours out with maybe 4-8mg 12-16 hours before the race start as a "top up". You could certainly do 4-8 mg a day during the stage race...I would inject right before the race so the stuff can work it's way in and then the affect from that shot will be evident the next day.

It's best to work the stuff into the system take the initial loading dose(first shot) before a mild ride. If you don't do the ride it will take another day to peak. The ride helps to circulate the stuff out of the IM injection site. Then the day before the event do the top up dose and also a "tune up' ride for an hour with some short efforts at threshold and a couple short 2 minute efforts at VO2 max. (don't fatigue yourself).


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I have read on the directions kenacort needs to be injected deep IM. Is it ok to use a slin pin and inject in your delt?

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Posted by: door
I have read on the directions kenacort needs to be injected deep IM. Is it ok to use a slin pin and inject in your delt?



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Forgive me I have a few questions....

What benefits are there from taking Kenacort or other corticosteriods? Are the better for stage racing rather than single day? I searched the forum a lot but the answers seem pretty vague.

Also what does 'blocking out' mean after taking the cortico?

And last question has anyone ever tried kenalog injections?


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Block out means cortico has made legs virtualy useless.M/track

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Some corticos are more mineralcortocoids and some are more glucocorticoids.

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Posted by: Realgains
I now like 30- 40 mg at least 3 days out and then a "top up" dose of 8mg the day before. You could continue with 8 a day during a stage race.

Could Kena tabs be substituted for for subsequent injectables? 24hrs before following day. Carrying needles and syringes around and finding suitable place to inject can be problem.

Posted by: fran

I was doing some research about a safe protocol to follow for using Kenacort during a 4 days stage race.
I had tested it before and injecting 20mg 72 hours before the event does the trick for me.

Thanks a lot!

PD: What about using the 4mg Kenacort tablets? table each night before the next stage?...At least for the last three ?


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Well I`m back to tell you guys how my experience was with the Kena..
I did 25-30mg of IM Kena, 72 hours before the event...
Right after the shot I did one 45min high tempo ride...Then the day before the event I did a couple of leg speed works...
The legs felt strong but not that BEND STEEL feeling, the fourth day of the event was when I felt the most different feeling...legs were a lot stronger (comparing to the other days when I was fresher) and now being with 3 days of competition on me the feeling was like "normal" "fresh" legs...

One side effect I had was that one of my eyes started to get blurry fact I still have it and wanting (wishing) for it to subside...

Personally I recommend the single day protocol (20mg, 72 hours in my case, before the event...) does the trick just when it has to...

Please, BEFORE GOING THIS ROUTE, test the product in training can really block you up and make you feel like you have ZERO never happened to me but a lot of bro`s had reported that...
Any other question feel free to ask it...

hope that helps

