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Joined: Sep 11, 2022
Last seen: Dec 16, 2023
Topics: 4 / Replies: 46
RE: Which college sports test for roids. Especially in UK but US too.

Sorry Olympia Man, I have to give you the same answer as I do everyone online. I reveal alot about myself, and plenty of people know about the stories...

7 months ago
RE: Which college sports test for roids. Especially in UK but US too.

Was thinking about giving shot a go. I used to be a sprinter, but Im too heavy and slow now. I wouldnt mind throwing a shot put just to get a medal. O...

7 months ago
RE: Which college sports test for roids. Especially in UK but US too.

Is the testing random or for winners or if somebody grasses on you? I know a lot of haters who would like to see me out of action. I dont know if the ...

7 months ago
RE: THG Tentative Structure - Anyone who cares

Cheers Seth, and thanks BigAussieZee

8 months ago
RE: THG Tentative Structure - Anyone who cares

alright seth havent seen you about lately. So with the prog receptor affinity does that meen it would be very prone to causing gyno? I cant dowload th...

8 months ago
RE: Where to go to diagnosed with gynocomastia

TESTinME: thats not always true. Cancer can hurt but it tends not too. Not everyones gyno hurts - but fair point bro.

8 months ago
RE: Where to go to diagnosed with gynocomastia

Your family doctor who will either diagnose you or send you to an endocrinologist (hormone doctor).

8 months ago
RE: How many grams of carbs do you take per meal while bulking?

Originally posted by Just a Pilgrim Normal offseason this past year was 230 or so at 5'7' (end of dieting right now so just below 200, will be going u...

8 months ago
8 months ago
RE: permanent estrogen reduction?

I only read the first post when I submitted my first reply by the way.

9 months ago
RE: permanent estrogen reduction?

Just read one of the posts their and it says its not irreversable - it would revert I expect after a wile - not sure though. Anyway the principles I s...

9 months ago
RE: permanent estrogen reduction?

a) I dont believe it B) It would be the death of you. YOU NEED ESTROGEN to maintain healthy arteries and heart etc etc, not to mention BUILD MUSCLE. S...

9 months ago
RE: I Almost Killed Somebody At The Gym The Other Day

I have had the same problem the last few weeks since going to the gym on my own. I go for 5 or 6 reps and only want help when I actually fail - but I ...

10 months ago
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