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Biggest Bodybuilding Myths

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Fore the newbies> insulin, GH and IGF1 do not come in pills or mabye it does, but they wont work becaurse its a protein hormone and it will be broken down in the stomac.
I know novo is reshercing in it regarding insulin and hope to have one made in a couple of years.

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That tren or fina is very hard on the kidneys and liver.

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Posted by: Fonz
EQ increases the production of RBC's above and beyond most AAS.

This has never been documented. I simply don't believe it.

An elevation in RBC will result in an elevation of HCT%...and that is what potentiates the oxygen carrying capacity of blood. An elevation in HCT can also occur without an elevation in RBC, as HCT is a percentage based off total blood volume. HCT% is the single most important figure for endurance athletes. It's really all they focus on. Simply being dehydrated will cause an elevation in HCT, without a coinciding elevation in RBC. Naturally, disorders like Polycythemia will cause an elevation in HCT as well.

Oxymetholone's effects on HCT have been well documented, as have the erythrogenesis effect of virtually all forms of Testosterone. Oxandrolone has also been documented to show a slight increase in HCT. I've spent hundreds of hours researching this topic, and I have yet to find one study to indicate that boldenone has any significant effect on a blood profile.

Adding to the case, is the fact that I have yet to see a single positive test for boldenone amongst athletes. Oxymeth, Test, Oxandrolone, and of course EPO, are commonly detected. Granted, I'm sure there have been a few postives for eq, but they are far less common. If the erythrogenesis caused by EQ were as great as BB's suggest, it's use would be far more rampant.

All that remains in defense of this misconception is anecdotal reports, which carry little weight with me.

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Nobody uses EQ b/c EPO is far better. Its really that simple.

And EQ does increase Hematocrit if you're properly hydrated.
My BP on EQ does go up slighlty......and so does vascularity.
That can only come from increased hematocrit.


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In my mind the myth here is that EQ is superior to all other AAS in terms of erythropoiesis. I have seen this posted numerous places with no documentation. All androgens probably enhance red blood cell production to some extent.

The ideal strategy might be to stack EPO with AAS since they seem to act at different stages of red blood cell development.

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Posted by: Nandi12
In my mind the myth here is that EQ is superior to all other AAS in terms of erythropoiesis.

I was under the impression that aromatization decreases cell respiration. If this is so, then wouldnt eq be favorable for endurance athletes because of its low amount of aromatization? Plus, most do not bloat very badly when cycling eq which would translate to less weight having to be carried...

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Someone posted your myths at steroidology, this was macro's response:

notation #1

NANDI has never taken or used any of the drugs above. (except perhaps thyroid)

1. heavy use of exogenous thyroid does cause shrinking of the gland

2. GH does increase muscle mass. How significant or direct that growth is ??

3. estrogen increases fat accummulation through several mechanisms... including agonism and upregulation of the A2 as well as reduction of circulating Thyroid.

4. agree... however reduction in water and fat accummulation can diminish gains, even muscle

5. proviron has some interesting properties.. certain strong androgens, including DHT do decrease aromatase levels... though agree its not well researched.

6. syntheitc progestins do cause gyno.winstrol is a mixed agonist antagonist of the PR.-- comments like these come from too much "book time" and only reading one study and trying to extrapolate it. ie the one study with a particular cell type wherein stan has PR agonism.

7. agree, though exogenous insulin use can cause both acute and long term health problems.

8. true. sort of... though most water gain comes from ER and PR agonism... if none then adrogen based water is minimal.. sub-q water is usually quite reduced.

9. agree.. though for other reasons cycling may be of necessity

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Posted by: Nandi12
In my mind the myth here is that EQ is superior to all other AAS in terms of erythropoiesis. I have seen this posted numerous places with no documentation. All androgens probably enhance red blood cell production to some extent.

The ideal strategy might be to stack EPO with AAS since they seem to act at different stages of red blood cell development.

Yes. But that should only be attempted by advanced users.
I'm actually looking at EPO+EQ as we speak...but this is untested ground.
BP normally correlates with Hematocrit quite well. If your Hematocrit rises, so does your BP, and vice-versa.
Hematocrit is normally between 40-50. Anything close to 60 and have a serious prblem. Dehydration also increases the highest Hematocrit level I would want would be 50-52. And Anadrol is the premier AAS in stimulating
erythropoiesis. But bloats you a lot. Hence, not a good choice
for the endurance athlete.


If I want to add flavor to my cooking. . . . . . . I just burn it

There is NO such thing as over training just under EATING. ~ Trey Brewer

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I'm actually looking at EPO+EQ as we speak...but this is untested ground

I am glad you stressed the potential health concerns about stacking EPO and AAS. That is something that does need to be emphasised.

That said, I'm thinking that many endurance athletes who use EPO may not be getting the full benefit of its use because many endurance athletes have low Testosterone levels. That abstract I linked to above noted that for unknown reasons, EPO had no effect when the androgen receptor was blocked with flutamide. So androgens are necessary for EPO to work. Would decreased androgen levels make EPO less efficient, or is it necessary to completely block androgens to prevent EPO from working? That seems to be an unknown.

If it is the case that simply lowering androgens reduces EPO's effectiveness, then athletes with low test probably should supplement with some AAS, like EQ, if they are considering EPO use.

But then the whole drug detection problem arises for competitive athletes.

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Any thoughts on MAcro's responses?

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Posted by: Nandi12
That said, I'm thinking that many endurance athletes who use EPO may not be getting the full benefit of its use because many endurance athletes have low Testosterone levels. That abstract I linked to above noted that for unknown reasons, EPO had no effect when the androgen receptor was blocked with flutamide. So androgens are necessary for EPO to work.

But then the whole drug detection problem arises for competitive athletes.

Rarelly would an endurance athlete use EPO without some form of compensatory androgen. Test susp (in any form) usually goes hand in hand with EPO use for the reasons that you mentioned nandi. The detectability issue is also favorable for test when compared to other forms of AS.

The T/E ratio test is bombed regurally, however it is easilly bypassed thorough testing loopholes. Many ahletes will just protest to the point where they are allowed a second test, in which case the added time allows the ratio to correct itself naturally.

I still don't belive that EQ will cause a HCT elevation that is significant when compared to that caused by other androgens.

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Any thoughts on MAcro's responses?

If it's one thing I always try to stress here iced is do your own research and try to draw your own conclusions. You should be familiar enough with the use of PubMed, for example, to go there and type in Selective Progesterone Receptor Modulator and see if winstrol is mentioned. Or alternatively, type in Stanozolol progesterone and see if any research on winstrol being such an agent is mentioned.

Similarly, type in estrogen lipolysis. A number of studies will show up you can look through, including one posted very recently in the women's forum that considered a number of possible ways estrogen could induce lipolysis, but came to this conclusion:

"Despite these observations, it remains poorly understood how estrogen suppresses fat accumulation."

I also don't know if this is supposed to be an attack on my credibility or not:

NANDI has never taken or used any of the drugs above

since I don't know to which drugs he is referring. But as I've emphasized, that should be irrelevant since you should be capable of forming your own conclusions based on your own research.

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I still don't belive that Eq will cause a HCT elevation that is significant when compared to that caused by other androgens

I honestly don't know how it stacks up against other AAS in this regard. I have never been able to find any data on it, probably because it is intended for use in animals. I imagine the rumor arises from the fact that it is used in racehorces and racing dogs. One would think that if it were superior, the East Germans would have been using it routinely, but I have never seen any reference to it in the Stasi literature.

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Posted by: monkeyballs
I still don't belive that EQ will cause a HCT elevation that is significant when compared to that caused by other androgens.

Did I make some sort of an ignorant comment?

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Did I make some sort of an ignorant comment?

What makes you think that? I don't think anyone has been flaming you. I hope you did not get that impression from anything I said.

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