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6 week cycle

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What does everyone think about running a 6 weeker with 300mg DECA, 250mg sustanon, 250mg Test Prop a week. I will then pct/ take off 6 weeks then up my doses?? I want to try an shorten my cycles rendering less side effects, is this time to short, will it be inefficent??

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some like short cycles, some do not. i do not. it depends on your goals.


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I don't even stat to see results on test until 4 weeks so if I only did 6 week cycles I'd be coming off just when the fun was begining.

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Good point, what about running test prop?

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forget deca and sust, run that with prop only ...otherwise you wasting your time.

For me I either go with very short moderate cycles (prop 125mg eod for 2 weeks) or I woudl consider a longer cycle of 10 weeks test e 350mg pw.

btu my goals are more for performance nnot pure muscle.

That being said my short cycles are quite something. I noticed esp using Tbol my buts shrink to prob 60% within 10 days of 40mg tbol and 100mg prop eod. When I stop one week later of pct they are virtually up to normal size.

WHen I use prop only shrinkage is lesss but still noitceable. But I suspect 9 days after my cycle i'm pretty much recovered, cos I feel great and my nuts are pretty much same size...

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"""That being said my short cycles are quite something. I noticed esp using tbol my buts shrink to prob 60% within 10 days of 40mg tbol and 100mg prop eod. When I stop one week later of pct they are virtually up to normal size.""

I am glad you stated it later about your nuts because i had never heard of buts shrinking with test use!


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HAHAHAHA....yeah I saw that after posting it and thought I'd leave it to see the comments lol....any more!! come on...some original ones please

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During my last cycle of Test Cyp and Deca my best gains happened during the first 5 weeks, but I think I have to monitor it much more in order to state here that it works (for some) as well as tradicional long cycles.

Forget that cycle specially if it's your first one, I don't know nothing about you. If it's the first one try the ABC, that means TE or TC at 500 mg/w.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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no its not my first cycle, ive been off for about 8 weeks, prior i ran 100mg masteron, 100mg test prop. eod for 8 weeks. prior to that i ran two bulking cycles. first one with tren enthate/test enthhate. Second was test enthate 1000mg/week. i was thinking of running the shorter cycles so i dont have to be off as long.

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Wow. Lots of gear for a second cycle.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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you bro's dont seem to be too freindly, only looking for advise!

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i do not think anyone meant any disrespect, just trying to be cautious with advice. It looks like you got some decent advice.

Can you only get sustanon? mixing sustanon with prop is a little strange but will still work. In fact almost anything will work. deca at that dose never worked for me, 400mg/wk was more effective for some reason. what are your goals, adding muscle mass? I think the gist of what most are saying is that you will gain more muscle mass using longer cycles. Some have had good luck with the shorter cycles but you tend to always be either on cycle or doing pct. with longer esters you have a 6 week cycle, 2 weeks for exo test to clear and another 4 weeks of pct. YOu could shorten that pattern by ending a longer cycle with prop thereby enabling a faster start to pct. as with everything else you really need to try it for yourself and see how it works. For me, i would go with prop and tren for a shorter cycle, faster acting and clearing.


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Yes i have access to others, i was just mixing in a little prop for the first week or so to kick things off a little faster. How long would you reccomend coming off of a 8 week cycle, i have generally been coming off for as long as i was on and pct with hcg and nolva. I knew a 6 week cycle of deca and sust. was probabbly not the best idea i was just looking for opinions

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So if i take my last inject. of DECA sust during week 6, wouldent it make it an 8 week cycle because it is still in your system for up to 2 weeks after last injec??

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well it makes you on for 8 weeks but with ever increasingly small amounts over baseline. I usually recommend a 4 week pct. deca tends to shut you down hard, unless you have a specific reason for it such as rehabing some joint injuries i would skip it and add tren or more test. although sus has a somewhat bad rep as a result of the ester mix, it does work. You could always take the sus and prop eod alternating, that would make for an interesting mix.

As i said, after listening to everyone, make your own decision and see if what you decide works for you. the one thing that is a given in bbing is that nothing is a given, different folks respond very diffrently to the same drugs and doses. Just make sure you have adequate pct and will soon know for yourself if it works.


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