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short cycles?

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is there such a thing as a good, short cycle? the reason i ask this is because i want to do a short one now (+/- six weeks), and a long one in january...starting now and running it for about six weeks would allow me to have sufficient time to come off and be ready for a bigger cycle in jan.

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If you must do a short one do a fast acting test like Suspension or prop. The gains kick in right away so there is no waiting 5 weeks like with sus250 or EQ. Prop and Dbol would be OK for a short cycle, although I prefer long ones.

Killer Quads81
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Its going to be alot easier to hang onto gains from a long cycle. Like littlewilly said, short acting gear would be the way to go if you do want to keep it short. Suspension, prop, tren, prop, dbol, drol. etc......

Feli Fly
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KQ81 is correct above: just keep it to short half life compounds. You can use the ones he listed and also whinny, anavar, or short estered deca or eq (might be difficult to find, though). There are good short cycles. You might not gain as much, but your axis will be less out-of-whack when you come off because you haven't been shut down for as long as you would be in a long cycle. The key is just knowing how to use various AS based on their half lives and effects.

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Im currently on a tren/winny/prop cycle (11 days into it). So far so good...very fast kick in with strength (within a week) Using long acting esters for a short cycle is useless IMO. Im only going to do this for 4 weeks, because the tren is so damn overpowering. Its starting to shut down my nuts hard, but the prop is countering it somewhat. I don't think my body can hack it for more than that...but heck, if I gain 5-10 lbs off it solid, Im very happy. Then I will blast with clomid for 3 weeks. I will say my mouth is becoming a black hole: sucking in all food in sight. And I am burning it off fast too. Im becoming leaner at the same time, while gaining weight -> lean body mass is going up!

Killer Quads81
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Bro I really cant see coming off of a cycle after 4 weeks. Even w/ those fast acting gears, you'll just be starting to peak. I run tren for 9-11 weeks and see the best results during the later stages of the cycle.

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>>Bro I really cant see coming off of a cycle after 4 weeks. Even >>w/ those fast acting gears, you'll just be starting to peak. Call me strange, but last time I used tren, I noticed a plateau after 4-5 weeks, and I was on for 2 solid months. Strength gains stopped. All that came after were a build-up of side effects...wired feeling, insomnia, sweats, fat, but unfortunately no more mass. You could be right. This short one is an experiment for me, I will tell you how it goes. However, 10 days into this, Im already gained 4 lbs, and leaned out. But I am feeling side effects already...wired, hyper, a little floppy, and thats even with prop in there! If I can gain 4 lbs a week for 4 lean, man I will be happy. If I do a few fast cycles like this..I will be in heaven:) I'll keep you posted.

Killer Quads81
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Cool, good luck bro.

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I have done some 3on/4off (after pct) and liked the results. Only being off for such a short time helped me keep almost all the gains before going on again.

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There are good short cycles. You might not gain as much, but your axis will be less out-of-whack when you come off because you haven't been shut down for as long as you would be in a long cycle. The key is just knowing how to use various AS based on their half lives and effects. [/B] that was part of my rationale for going well as not having figured out a good bridge between long cycles...and the holidays are coming up...i want to do a serious mass cycle in january (at least a twelve weeker), but wanted to something to do now...started prop, dbol, and front loaded enanthate on 10/20/03...thanks for ur help.

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Originally posted by Hardcoregrowth1 I have done some 3on/4off (after pct) and liked the results. Only being off for such a short time helped me keep almost all the gains before going on again. what gear did u did u use it?
