Last seen: Jan 27, 2025
I figured out why I was bloating: Tren makes me sweat and piss like crazy (maybe 2-3x normal). Basically, it acts like a super strong diuretic. Howeve...
You MIGHT be able to build some muscle, BUT as far as taxing your CV system like a regular workout, the one hour type workouts 5-6/week are better...r...
I just wanna pipe up here: I went from 145 - 195 lbs naturally using a 2x/week full body routine. This is how it worked: I cycled my weights every cou...
In 2001, Italian police raided riders' hotel rooms during the Giro d'Italia, the Italian Tour. They found hundreds of illegal drugs. As the raid progr...
newjuicer: that post made you sound like a fool..
my 2cents: I would definitely always use clomid after a cycle of tren, for a good period of time. Tren tends to shut me down quite hard, and causes al...
>>I dont like to be fucked with on leg day, especially when this >>cunt steals my plates :biglaugh: don't hold back your feelings so much ...
>>Bro I really cant see coming off of a cycle after 4 weeks. Even >>w/ those fast acting gears, you'll just be starting to peak. Call me s...
Im currently on a tren/winny/prop cycle (11 days into it). So far so good...very fast kick in with strength (within a week) Using long acting esters f...