Ya know what I frig...
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Ya know what I friggin hate!!!

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You know I want to see these mofo's bleed just like you all, but the truth is that I get the best damn workouts when one of these fucks gets me going! If it wasn't for the shits who piss me off in the Gym, I'd work out a lot less harder.

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Too bad I was already at GCE today(to say hi to my dad-the owner)....i coulda opened up a can o whoop ass.....i take celltech AND muscletech and watch fight club everyday because i am almost as monstrous as brad pitt now.....damn gotta run my mom is calling cause she has to gel my hair up......but your in my world now biotch

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>>I dont like to be fucked with on leg day, especially when this >>cunt steals my plates :biglaugh: don't hold back your feelings so much :biglaugh: Sorry, my tren is kicking in hard...and your story is making me laugh out loud!

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T-Mag rules!!!

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doesn't beat my creatine serum and cutting gel

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Originally posted by andrewandrew if they dont get in your way then why the fuck do you give a damn? i dont give a rats ass what others do in the gym, I just concentrate on my own workout. Here, Here, Bro! I don't even look at the 20 lbs-curling sissies. You know what catches my eye: someone doing squats with 495 plus!

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Originally posted by andrewandrew if they dont get in your way then why the fuck do you give a damn? i dont give a rats ass what others do in the gym, I just concentrate on my own workout. I agree. There are too many assholes in the world and too little time to deal with them all. Why bother? I mind my own business until they get in my face or run their mouth within earshot like three punks did this weekend.... I'm at the mall with my girl and baby. I'm dressed in loose clothes and we take the elevator to the second floor because I'm pushing a stroller. Just before the elevator door opens one of the three punks behind me keeps repeating "you gotta cycle that shit, you gotta cycle that shit"... I wasn't paying attention because I was in "family mode" smiling at my kid. I realized that they were ragging on me and how fucking rude that was. Fortunately my girl didn't hear it but we bumped into these three clowns in a store shortly after. When they saw the sick look on my face (when I get pissed off) they were out of there in a flash! So sometimes even minding your own business doesn't work. AND I'm not even on any gear! So I'll just take it as a compliment!

adam ryan
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yes i come accross these dickheads from time to time aswell and i love to start on them aswell. they shit themselves most of the time and they stop coming to the gym. im already a fighter so its my forte' but still even if they do shape up they still shit once i rush em and take em down like they are a little child screaming for me to stop ๐Ÿ˜€ im cruel sometimes but this shit has to stop somehow and its worked so far well (plus i work in the gym i train at :)) it has a kinda chain reaction thing where every1 tells every1 and they know not to get smart anymore its bad enough with the boss who is so anti steroids ๐Ÿ˜€ fuck i love being on the juice!

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Originally posted by eqbuff Too bad I was already at GCE today(to say hi to my dad-the owner)....i coulda opened up a can o whoop ass.....i take celltech AND muscletech and watch fight club everyday because i am almost as monstrous as brad pitt now.....damn gotta run my mom is calling cause she has to gel my hair up......but your in my world now biotch lol brad pitt... I didn't remember much of fight club (saw it in theatres some years ago) and I just remembered people mumbling about him being so "beefy" and "muscular" in that movie.. so I watched it just the other day, and man did I laugh my ass off...!! he looked like a 10year old boy..., some abs a little ripped arms.. that's it skinny ass haha good for my selfesteem ๐Ÿ˜€

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I believe people have different goals and different means to achieve them. The key is - look at yourself and decide if you are getting where you want to be. What the others say is irrelevant, cause they might have different goals. Don't waste your time getting pissed or arguing over nothing. Tastes differ Peace Jay

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shut up valkyl

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Originally posted by Dirk Diggler That's ok though, the way I see it, thier bodies look silly with some pec's and bi's and nothing else! I'm sure the women on the beaches think that they look strange too! These guys are not in it for hte long haul and will never look good! Unfortunately, this is not true. I nailed this girl about two months ago. Afterward, she looks at me and says, "you have the most muscular legs I've ever seen." And I said, "does that mean you don't care if a guy has muscular legs?" She said it doesn't matter to her if a guy's legs are big as long as his chest and arms are nice. I've asked a couple of other girls this question, and they seem to all agree that chest and arms are all that matters.

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i can't stand when people will get on the squat rack load up the weight. Then only go down about 5 inches.

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Originally posted by the double M shut up valkyl I know u are but what am i?

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I think we all have to learn to respect each others differences and acknowlege that we're all in this together. Let's put our imagination caps on and just pretend that we could join hands through our monitors and let go of all that pain and hurt. Letting go is good. Feel those happy feelings, reach deep down and pull out a ray of sunshine and spread it all over. DIE MOTHERFUCKER DIE DIE DIE!!! Sorry.

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