Last seen: Sep 2, 2024
That cycle is fine. Im gonna be running a similar one starting dec for 6 weeks. 100 mgs test susp ed 50 mgs tren ed 50 mgs winny ed.
Hey bro, im not going to go into the tired old PH sucks tirade (but they do IMO) answer your questions. If u want a mild real anabolic to ...
U mean Humalin R? Its easier to get but lasts somethign like 7-8 hours...I would recommend being awake for all 8 hours min after inject, for new insul...
Originally posted by PLaSMo your nickname its sounds almost like vicky or maybe is just me. Its just u.:D
Originally posted by PLaSMo how much can i expect from this cycle? No one can tell u this its dependant on so many things.
Sigh... Sus 250 EOD shots weeks 1-3, thats 250 mgs EOD first 3 weeks, the reason for this is that, none of the other tests or the eq will be active du...
1- 1.5 inch 25 g.
Ya that will work. Bulking and cutting have very little to do with the drugs u are taking and alot more to do with your diet and training.
Most Juice raises BP, higher BP has been linked to panic attacks.
There I fixed it boys, happy? Its not like anyone really wants to make bean soup anyways....
Thats it i am gonna kick both your asses!! LOL.
U hold less water on prop then sus...u wont look the same, u will look harder...what is your weight change? U were only off 1 month? Your receptors wi...
Wait, this is the aussie corner (i have to start looking for that, i post off the home page only) me if IP gear is easy to get imagi...
Best way to describe a "painful" prop shot is like having a charley horse in your muscle, that doesnt go away for a few days...Or someone pummeled u w...