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Joined: Aug 30, 2022
Last seen: Jun 10, 2024
Topics: 1 / Replies: 217
RE: 3 Cycle

Originally posted by PLaSMo your nickname its sounds almost like vicky or maybe is just me. Its just u.:D

2 months ago
RE: 3 Cycle

Originally posted by PLaSMo how much can i expect from this cycle? No one can tell u this its dependant on so many things.

2 months ago
RE: 3 Cycle

Sigh... Sus 250 EOD shots weeks 1-3, thats 250 mgs EOD first 3 weeks, the reason for this is that, none of the other tests or the eq will be active du...

2 months ago
RE: will this work please respond

Ya that will work. Bulking and cutting have very little to do with the drugs u are taking and alot more to do with your diet and training.

2 months ago
RE: Does gear cause Panic attacks/ Anxiety?

Most Juice raises BP, higher BP has been linked to panic attacks.

5 months ago
RE: Pasta Fazoolli!!!

There I fixed it boys, happy? Its not like anyone really wants to make bean soup anyways....

5 months ago
RE: Pasta Fazoolli!!!

Thats it i am gonna kick both your asses!! LOL.

5 months ago
5 months ago
Replies: 4
Views: 321
RE: whats up with prop

U hold less water on prop then sus...u wont look the same, u will look harder...what is your weight change? U were only off 1 month? Your receptors wi...

5 months ago
RE: Prop Injections - How bad are they?

Wait, this is the aussie corner (i have to start looking for that, i post off the home page only) me if IP gear is easy to get imagi...

5 months ago
RE: Prop Injections - How bad are they?

Best way to describe a "painful" prop shot is like having a charley horse in your muscle, that doesnt go away for a few days...Or someone pummeled u w...

5 months ago
RE: dos and donts for cutting

I didn't read the threads, so this may be redundant. But, I get frustrated by people who say they can't get ripped. Anyone who wants to get ripped sim...

5 months ago
RE: What type of oatmeal?

Originally posted by George Valley Im wanting to know about the instant quaker oats in the cardboard tube? Those are fine... I buy mine in giant cases...

5 months ago
RE: AS that does not cuase test shutdown

Originally posted by BigKev all aas will negatively effect the htpa. Agreed

5 months ago
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