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Two newbie questions.

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I am about to start a new cycle of: 1-AD 1-Test Is there anything else you would recommend for this cycle or should that be enough? I know alot of you have reservations about these pro-hormones but I am just looking for advice for this cycle. I like the 1-AD, I gained 14 pounds on my first cycle. Secondly ... What non injectable steroids would you recommend I use to replace the 1-AD and 1-Test. I rather not use any sort of needle and I do not want something overkill. I know it sounds silly but is there a "mild" steroid that is alot more effective than pro-hormones but not as harsh as the stuff those guys use that bench press 650 lbs?

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i think prohormones compare quite well to mild steroids like andriol and they are also cheaper so ur wasting ur money trying to find a mild anabolic to cycle with

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I'm not the flaming a little research. There is a "SEARCH" button....use it. You'll find that alot of the tabs are more harmful than the oils. Plus, U give us no background on your workout, or yourself. Look around and learn. That's what it's here for.

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I used to site inject 1-ad right into my neck, but I don't recommend that you do that. It's really hard to fit the pill in the synringe.

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hhmmm, APE you sound like a guy from another board.....meso maybe?

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You gained 14lbs from 1-AD? These pro-hormone post's make me laugh.

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Yes I did gain 14 pounds. From what I have been told my gains are above average. I was suprised, I haven't ever been able to gain weight before. I'm 6'1 and quite thin even after eating 6 eggs every morning, working out and eating 4 meals a day I couldn't gain more than one pound or so. I would eat so much I was sick and it wouldn't help. 6 weeks and 1-AD and normal eating and I gained 14 lbs, I was pretty happy. Kind of funny to see how many people are biased against pro-hormones. I asked for advice; I didn't ask for people to flame my post. If you don't like them then don't use them, it's pretty simple.

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Why use pro-hormones at all when the real deal is far better with no more sides? Compare with, for example, 50 chinese winny/day or whatever... That's why you get flamed. Cheaper, better, EVERYTHING. Why taking stuff when you don't know what you're doing anyways? I wouldn't play with hormones withour reading at all. No way!

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Hey bro, im not going to go into the tired old PH sucks tirade (but they do IMO) answer your questions. If u want a mild real anabolic to run with it,that is oral, go with var or primo. I dont recommend oral only cycles, but remember that with PH's as with real gear u will need anti-e's on hand and should run some kind of PCT aswell. Also u should get beter gains off a "mild" steroid over any PH any day of the week..but maybe u respond well to it, so hey, way to go bro. Also, the guys who bench 650 lbs worked REALLY hard to get there and it probably took years or eating and training and supplimenting to get there. How much u bench is NOT indicative of the "harshness" of gear u take. Dont talk like this on this board bro, or we will hate u...;-)

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Originally posted by joed1228 [B]I am about to start a new cycle of: Secondly ... What non injectable steroids would you recommend I use to replace the 1-AD and 1-Test. I rather not use any sort of needle and I do not want something overkill. If you dont want to use a needle there always creatine. Honestly it really surprises me how people want to take anabolic steroids, but cant use a needle. regarless - try 50mg winny ed and 40- 60 mg Anavar ed.

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Originally posted by cbrown Honestly it really surprises me how people want to take anabolic steroids, but cant use a needle. [/B] Yes, I agree. but if i was going to run a oral only cycle it would probably be winstrol.

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Ladaca why do they make you laugh, the amount of people that have had gains on them is pretty good, are you a scientist, do you know they actually work?? I say if it works for you and your happy with it, then great, keep the gains, be happy with your physique. I think some of the things people try to put on size, even synthol for that matter, is ridiculous and I would never use it, however I would never ridicule someone else for using it, if it works for them then good shit.

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PHs are great for getting started. I used 1-test / 4AD transdermal and gained 5.1 kg (to be exact) in 4 weeks. Did PCT of ZMA and loads of trib and ended up keeping 4.4 kg. This is about an average gain to expect from the PHs available now. Sure it's not real gear but a gain of 1.1 kg per week is nothing to be laughed at.

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Thought this was Aussie corner. Multiply kg by 2.2 to get lbs

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