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No AM erections

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Embarresing but i gotta ask. im not having moring erections any more. also my sex drive has dropped off but have no trouble having sex. im 39 thinking of giving Androgel a try. if i do is there a need to take anything else along with it? also im in the USA do i need script? if not where can i get it. seems when i start training hard on the bike this problem is more pronounced any advice please.

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hey there !! im no doctor but see if this info will help any !!

AndroGel is a clear, colorless gel medicine that puts Testosterone into the body through the skin. Once AndroGel is absorbed through the skin, it enters the bloodstream and helps the body reach normal testosterone (T) levels. The type of testosterone in AndroGel is the same as the testosterone made by the body.

With daily AndroGel treatment, T levels may go back to normal. In clinical trials, men who used AndroGel every day experienced symptom relief once their T levels were back within normal range.* Some of the improvements included:
Better mood, defined as more alert, full of pep, energetic, friendly, and/or feeling well/good
Improved lean body mass (muscle)
Decreased fat body mass
Increased bone mineral density at the hip and spine
Restored sexual function
- Sexual desire
- Satisfaction with erection
- Sexual motivation
- Sexual performance
- Enjoyment of sexual activity
* Based on a 6-month pivotal study involving 227 hypogonadal men, each using 5 g, 7.5 g, or 10 g AndroGel every day.

AndroGel is available by prescription only. Ask your doctor if AndroGel may be right
for you.


Impotence literally means 'being unable to', so intercourse is not possible, either because of absence of erections or because erections are to weak. There was a time when it was thought that most disorders of potency were the result of psychologic problems. To an extend, this is certainly the case, but several physical disorders can also lead to impotence. Due to a narrowing of the blood vessels that supply the penis, the amount of blood flowing towards the erectile bodies during erection may be insufficient, causing lessening or even absence of erections. A 'leak' in the vessels that lead out of the erectile bodies can have the same effect. Sometimes, the nerves that have to control erections, do not function properly, are damaged, for example in patients with diabetes. Of course, psychological factors, like problems at work or in marriage, may worsen physical problems, or cause diminished potency or impotence on their own. An infection or an operation in this area of the body often leads to a temporary impotence, which is corrected once the infection or operation site is healed

as i said "im no doc" but i hope it helps and im sure some of the other guys here will no doubt add to you help..take care hope it gets sorted..
regards Adrian


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You will need a script for androgel. At 39 you maybe starting to become slightly hypogonadal. It would be a good idea to consult with an Endo or other Medical specialist who deals with TRT on a daily basis.

liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.

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Thanks for the info, i made a doc appointment

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Will you guys look at this and tell me if you think it's the right androgel?

looks like i can order it without a script

I also did a short search and found this info here. i also have not been sleeping well at all. i get about 2-5 hours a day of a decent sleep. i can wipe my self out ridin 10 hours between sat and sunday and still can't sleep good. im also in a pissy mood, what do you think of this info below?

ps like i said i can get erection so im not impotent, low drive though.

Many men think their penises are erect upon waking because of urine buildup in the bladder, but this is false. Morning erections are technically nighttime erections which happen during Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep (when most dreaming occurs), although men older than sixty years may have them during even non-REM sleep. Generally, we experience four intervals of REM sleep per night. These spontaneous woodies in the wee hours are caused by specific neuroreflexes that are stimulated during REM sleep.

Most guys have nocturnal erections throughout their lifetime, and their frequency, along with one's awareness of them, may vary. Nighttime/morning erections can be noticeably harder or stiffer than those had when awake. The penis can stay erect for up to two hours nightly, and not all men who have erections during the night wake up with one in the morning.


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Posted by: Evoke
Will you guys look at this and tell me if you think it's the right androgel?

looks like i can order it without a script

Not the right stuff Evoke..You'll need a doc script for Androgel..You'll have to get a blood test and look at free and total levels before most docs will prescribe it for you..

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Posted by: Miggy
Not the right stuff Evoke..You'll need a doc script for Androgel..You'll have to get a blood test and look at free and total levels before most docs will prescribe it for you..

Thank's for the heads up Miggy. i just had blood test work done a few months ago and doc gave me a copy of results, do you know what i should look for on test?

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id give that one a miss.....check it out with the sure he will guide you down the rite path..take care



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Posted by: Miggy
Not the right stuff Evoke..You'll need a doc script for Androgel..You'll have to get a blood test and look at free and total levels before most docs will prescribe it for you..

The shit in the link is a pure scam.

liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.

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Posted by: Evoke
Thank's for the heads up Miggy. i just had blood test work done a few months ago and doc gave me a copy of results, do you know what i should look for on test?

Did you have your testosterone levels checked?..Sometimes you have to ask your doc to do that as it's not always included in a standard test..Anyway..Normal testosterone levels vary between 350-1200ng/dl, with much controversy behind it..If your levels are at the low normal range or lower, go to your doc and tell him you don't feel good..Tell him you feel weak, tired, irritable, have erection problems, shitty libido AND you've been going to the gym and can't build any mass..Then ask.."Doc, what about this Androgel stuff?..might that help?"..Chances are he might prescribe for you but only if your levels are askew..Also check free test levels..Mine was considered somewhat low at 59 pg/ml with the top of the reference range at 190+..

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If there is a change in libido and morning erections I would say to check into other possible causes first; Before assuming that it is hormonal.

You had blood labs done, and their should have been a comprehensive panel including hormone levels.

Your internist should be following up after the blood labs and if your problem has not resolved on its own: refer you to a specialist - #1 Urologist, #2 Neurologist, #3 Psychologist.

Even if androgel works, it does not mean that it was solely hormonal, and it is important to rule out any other possible causes.


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I had same symptoms and went to the doctor. In addition to those above, I was depressed and really didn't feel like doing anything, and I had no energy at like 8pm at night. Doctor did blood tests and presribed Androderm patch. My skin ended up breaking out so I went to the gel. I've had good success with the gel and notice a increase in muscle through working out. I do have blood tests every year now to check prostrate and test levels. My levels last time were at the low normal level so I'm not sure what's going on there. The doctor didn't want to prescribe anything else at that time. I've also had a hard time even getting to a dr who will want to presribe this for some reason. I live in a very rural part of OHIO and General Practitioners are hard to come by. The few that are in the area are very hesitant in giving the script. My insurance pays for most of the cost of the script - but I have to use TESTIM instead of androgel. I've used both and have not seen any difference between them. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should be taking with this to help with further muscle growth and fat loss?

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Posted by: BeLargeMini
If there is a change in libido and morning erections I would say to check into other possible causes first; Before assuming that it is hormonal.

You had blood labs done, and their should have been a comprehensive panel including hormone levels.

Your internist should be following up after the blood labs and if your problem has not resolved on its own: refer you to a specialist - #1 Urologist, #2 Neurologist, #3 Psychologist.

Even if androgel works, it does not mean that it was solely hormonal, and it is important to rule out any other possible causes.


Thanks for your reply. the symptoms have gone away. i think it might have been from a hard 2 month training schedule?

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NP, quite possibly. Biomedicine as a society tends to want to look at each system as just that, a system. I personally believe in a whole body approach, and as such there are so many possible causes for a change in libido and morning erections.

Most cases are usually stress related, but even then any good doctor should try to remember that there are multiple systems working together to cause an erection.

If it went away, that is a good sign that it was mental stress, and you should be good as new....if it reoccurs I would highly recommend speaking to your doc about any current meds, blood pressure, hormone levels and if all turn up normal, you normally see a urologist first to check the physiology, still normal see a neurologist, still normal see a psychologist (most docs love to ship people to the psych first without addressing any biologically based disorders, I think it is simply a lazy factor)....

Keep this in mind if it happens again.


Dropped the masters goal and math, accelrating program - going for the gold D.Sc or Ph.D
.... Performed my first surgery, patient survived, it was a great rush.

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myke, you need to let this go... although all topics are covered and allowed (mostly) you can not continually dredge up every post made on sexual issues. this is at heart a bodybuilding and endurance athlete board, not a sexual dysfunction support group.

