too much sleep= get...
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too much sleep= get fat?

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wsup guys: last week ive felt extremely soft. i write down everything i do in a day training-wise and i noticed ive been sleeping more than i should. not consecutive hours, but naps since i juggle school and work. i'll prolly get 5 consecutive hours at night, wake up for school, get back, go to sleep for another 3, then go to work...its wierd i train 5x a week hard and do cardio, but i seem like im not burning fat like i used to. any of you guys feel chubbier when you get more sleep than you should? i'll defintely try to break the routine and get my full 8 hrs again, this is jus the first time i saw my body react this way. 23yrs old, 5'7, 185lbs, bf%(?)15-20 i have stubborn distribution. P/C/F=60%/20/20

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when i dont' get enough sleep due to school or whatever i find i get smaller, softer and weaker very quickly.

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Originally posted by xplode loadz wsup guys: last week ive felt extremely soft. i write down everything i do in a day training-wise and i noticed ive been sleeping more than i should. not consecutive hours, but naps since i juggle school and work. i'll prolly get 5 consecutive hours at night, wake up for school, get back, go to sleep for another 3, then go to work...its wierd i train 5x a week hard and do cardio, but i seem like im not burning fat like i used to. any of you guys feel chubbier when you get more sleep than you should? i'll defintely try to break the routine and get my full 8 hrs again, this is jus the first time i saw my body react this way. 23yrs old, 5'7, 185lbs, bf%(?)15-20 i have stubborn distribution. P/C/F=60%/20/20 I don't think too much sleep is the issue. You train 5x/wk +cardio. Sounds like you might be glycogen depleted from training and being on the go. EVery time I start doing cardio along with the iron I always start looking like I'm gaining fat and loosing muscle. I don't and haven't seen too many peoples looks improve from cardio(not that I feel it doesn't have its place). Look at the fuckers who are always on the tredmil or bike(even the ones that pumps iron). They look the same year after year. All I think that hapens is they eat away muscle. If you do a lot of walking and get a lot of movement,cut the cardio out. Do some circuit training or don't go any longer than it takes to load the weghts doing push/pull type trainging. This,for me,always yeilds the best results.

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EZstreet, i think you hit it on the nail. i would rather not do cardio, but if you understood my bodytype, i have the bitchiest fat patterning sumone can have. i look good doing a most muscular. but when im relaxed i have a really soft lower midsection that seems so out of place cuz everything on me is lean and solid. iave been training since 96 as a soph in hs. done a few cycles and i still cant lose it. ive never resorted to clen nor t3, just cuz im nervous but ive done my research on them. most threads i read on here state that bodytypes leaning towards endomorphic HAVE TO do cardio at least an hour or even up to 2 hours 5-6x a week!! and cut carbs..i know its crazy but i really want to see my last two abs..i guess i'll jus focus on jus weight-training again. im currently natural right now so all that cardio has to be dragging me back. hey does e/c/a + cardio lower natural test levels?

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Have you considered liposuction?

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Originally posted by xplode loadz EZstreet, i think you hit it on the nail. i would rather not do cardio, but if you understood my bodytype, i have the bitchiest fat patterning sumone can have. i look good doing a most muscular. but when im relaxed i have a really soft lower midsection that seems so out of place cuz everything on me is lean and solid. iave been training since 96 as a soph in hs. done a few cycles and i still cant lose it. ive never resorted to clen nor t3, just cuz im nervous but ive done my research on them. most threads i read on here state that bodytypes leaning towards endomorphic HAVE TO do cardio at least an hour or even up to 2 hours 5-6x a week!! and cut carbs..i know its crazy but i really want to see my last two abs..i guess i'll jus focus on jus weight-training again. im currently natural right now so all that cardio has to be dragging me back. hey does e/c/a + cardio lower natural test levels? I don't know about the combination, but all the cardio will lower endo testo. You might wanna try NYC stack if you can't find it. I've used it with great success. The norephdrine doesn't give out the shakes near as bad as effedrine and the yohimbine HCL(in nyc) is good at tackling that lower stubborn fat.

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EZstreet I couldn't agree with you more. When I first started working out 1 year ago I was pretty fat but could tell I had alot of muscle underneath it all. This personel trainer insisted that I do mostly cardio then hit the weights after. Man I went from looking like a power lifter to a freakin soft weaklin. I dropped the cardio completely and just went for the weights I was 240 pounds when I first started. Now I'm around 255 pounds and look alot better than when I was doing cardio. What was happeneing was I was burning all that usable muscle underneath and just leaving the flabby fat visible.(if that makes any sense). So for on now it's all heavy weights for me and nothing else. Also, if your feeling flat you may want to start upping your carbs. This usually helps with me. Start eating a shit load of pasta it works for me when I feel like a flat
