Low carb Mozzarelle...
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Low carb Mozzarelle Sticks

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Ingredient 1 lb Mozzarella 1/2 Cup Soy Flower 1 Tablespoon Wheat Gluten Flour (Not neccessary if unavailable) 2 Eggs 1 Tbs Water 1 cup Keto brand low carb Bread Crumbs or equivelant Seasoning Salt Garlic Powder Preperation Cut mozzarelle into 32 even strips, they should be about 1/4 inch squares. place strips in large ziploc bag and add the soy flour and gluten flour Shake the strips gently until all are coated evenly. Mix eggs with water and beat thouroghly in a large shallow bowl. Season Keto Bread Crumbs with seasoning salt and garlic powder and mix. Use a large shallow bowl. Dip strips into egg and then into crumb mixture. Make sure they are coated fully. Place breaded strips onto a baking sheet and let sit in refrigerator for 1 hour Bring up some oil to 350ºF in an deep fryer or on the stove in a large pot. Place strips into oil 1 at a time and let them fry untill slightly brown and crisp. remove from oil when done and drain on paper towels. Let cool slightly and then serve with marinara sauce for dipping. Enjoy. These taste just like mozzarelle sticks from a restaurant. Feel free to experiment with adding different spices to the bread crumbs for a different taste. I sometimes add black pepper and cayenne pepper.

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mmmm...any idea of the nutritional breakdown of them bad boys?

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Originally posted by mac83 mmmm...any idea of the nutritional breakdown of them bad boys? I will try and figure it out and then I will post it here.

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sounds good

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any update on those stats?

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