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For all the guys posting the fighting threads

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First off, this is NOT intended to be a bragging thread, or a I-can-kick-everyone's-ass thread. I am posting this because all the fighting skills of the world may not have saved me last night. Just to give you some background so you can understand the story, I am almost 30 yrs old, and lived in a big city up until my mid-twenties. I now live in a smaller type town, chock full with these middle-class wanna-be thugs running around. Also, as some of you have seen me post, I have been a competitive fighter for some time now, and I am currently internationally ranked in Thai fighting, and have done both boxing and MMA type styles. I would like to "think" that I can handle myself pretty well in the street, as I have had more than my share of street fights growing up. Anyhow, last night a local bar hosts MNF parties, and me and a few of my friends try to go every week. The crowd has been slowly leaning to the "thug wanna-be's" since they have added a DJ on the clubs other room. Last night I saw a girls sister I used to date years ago when I first moved here. She proceeds to tell me she is dealing X and coke, and gave up her nursing job because "she wants to be down".....LOL. She is a beautiful girl, and I am trying to talk some sense into her, but she ain't having it. Well, after like 15min of talking up walks some black guy with silver chains, a Tupac-style bandanna, and over-alls with NO shirt underneath (LOL). With this "playa" is about 4 white dudes that needed told they were white instead of black. I knew what was coming next, as he proceeds to tell me "why you talkin to my bitch?" (yes he said bitch LOL). I told him "I have known her for a long-ass time, in fact, so long that those overalls your wearing were actually in style back then"......well he didn't really like that line too much. So he steps a little closer, and his boys are cheering him on to "beat that white boys ass" LOL. So he proceeds with the usual "I'm crazy" bullshit, and finally I am getting sick of it, so I told him "back the fuck off before you get your assed kicked by a whiteboy with one hand"...(I just had hand surgery 3 weeks ago). This did not help...LOL. To make a long story short, there is always a point in a street fight when you KNOW it will come to blows, and we were at that point. Given this, and given that he had a couple of boys w/him, I decided to just start swinging on him. Luckily it was over pretty quick, and the bouncer snatched me up before I could drop a few boots on him LOL. As I am getting dragged to the back room, the bouncer thanks me for doing that, as he said that dude jumped his brother a couple weeks ago with a gun and knife. Because of this, he tells me to leave through the back door. Here is where it got away from I was leaving, all his little thug friends were waiting. As I walked out, one of those fuckers maced me right in the face. The bouncer jumped on him, and I staggered back a little to try to clear my eyes. As I was starting to see again, his other boy pulled out piece, and started waiving it around. I really didn't think he'd do anything w/it, so I didn't back down to him. Well, he didn't like that either, so he cocked the fucker back, and that's when I started to try to back-peddle out of the situation. As I was walking backwards away from this shit, dude puts the piece in the air, and lets like 2 shots go......FUCK THIS.....I ran like a little bitch, and hide under a big truck. People were everywhere, girls crying, cops was crazy. A couple people told me afterwards that after he let the 2 go in the air, that he brought the gun back down, as to start aiming for me. Fuck this shit.......we all really need to start thinking about what these fights may lead to. I could have been shot, killed, etc over some stupid shit. These kids now-adays are so caught up in this MTV/BET bullshit, that they don't know where reality starts and stops anymore. I should have KNOWN that guys that aren't true thugs would be the FIRST to shoot you since they are the most scared. Sorry about the long story, but hopefully this will wake a few of us up.

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Makes me miss the days where a fight started and ended with fists. Anybody that knows what fighting is about knows that you win some and lose some-comes with the territory. Ahh, the good old days-before the fear of lawsuits.

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Funny thing is, that I grew up at a time when guns were becoming more prevelant in street fights......but it is different with these kids nowadays---they are so de-sensitized by video's and shit like that, they think that is what they are "supposed" to's like when you back them in a corner, they will get so scared that they feel they HAVE to shoot you. Basically these guys were your typical wanna-be's that couldn't hit water if they fell outta a boat, so they GOTTA carry guns.

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Yeah, real men bring handguns to a fist fight. Know what that tells me? The little punks couldn't fight for shit and were using intimidation as thier weapon instead of stepping up to the plate and fighting like a man. I hope you kicked the shit out of thier ringleader. I'll never understand why a woman would let any man talk to her or about her that way and want to stay with the guy.

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Its damn pitiful. Kids are brought up this day and age by movies and Mtv etc that you are a badass if you carry a gun and shoot someone. The pussies dont realize a 4 year old child can pull a trigger and kill you with a gun. But it takes a man to settle his confrontation with fists if talking cannot remedy the situation. Our kids are becoming so pussified in this country. They take no responsibility for there actions, talk to adults with no respect, and think they are bad cause they can pull a trigger. If you fight enuff you are gonna lose some, let it go drop it and move on. Dont run get a gun like a punk cause the other guy could use his hands better. The people in this country need some major changes.

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one thing i can personaly tell you is when i was younger. lol . this was just 2 years ago. my sister was friends with this black dude and he thought he was a "gangster" and he was a bad ass......well one day outside of my mothers house this dickhead gives one of my close friends one of his "i'm a badass, i'm a gangster and my respect comes from everyone, you better fear this nigga, blah blah blah. so my friend says whatever. he respects my mothers home dosent want to start any shit there. i respect him for that. well anyway this thug runs into my friend out side of a social club in brooklyn. well this black piece of shit starts yelling to his 5 friends(they were not more than a foot behind him) look at this fat italian pussy piece of shit , this pussy backed down to me , and some other shit. he finaly tells my friend he fucked his mother in the ass with all his friend taking turns. so now this "thug" dosent realise that there are 30 guys standing 10 feet behind him and his friends.(this is a corner club and this ass dosent realize theres a back door) my other friend and myself tell this dickhead that we are celebrating and theres no problem her just go on your way or things are going to get nasty. well my friend is now in a position of power now just being bumped up. this "nigga" as he kept refering to him self oh yea and tells my friend hes going to pop a "cap" in his ass. he lifts up his jacket and shows us a 9mm and starts acting like a monkey asshole. it is around 930pm in the winter in a primaraly commercial area so no one is realy around thank god.well now there is my friend me and 3 of our guys in a standoff type of thing. well to make a long story short my friend fucked this guys world up big time this guy had no idea that we would fuck him up and the best part was his friends didnt want anything to do with this confrontation and stood by while everybody kicked the shit out of him. ITS A KNOWN FACT when these peices of shit out there clame to be HARDCORE they shit themselves when they come into contact with real gangsters. my sister ran into him a few weeks later and he acted as if he didnt know her. she told me that besides still beind all fucked up in the face and walking with crutches that he was no longer in his "thug" persona. these people just need to be put in there places boxer and thats just what you did he might come after you he might not but we both know that he will more than likely be crossing the street to avoid you if he see's you. and for you hiding after he shot off his what your breathing right now right. it was a fight or flight response i too did this the first few times i heard gunshots while i was in bad situations with friends. i congratulate you on all of your actions that night. you freed the world of another thug piece of shit.

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Thanks bro's.....believe me I am not posting this shit as bragging----I really don't want anyone to get hurt in this situation. I can tell you this much----this cat was FUCKED UP laying on the club floor.....he had a hole in his cheek where his teeth must have cut his skin when I hit him....there was blood literally spurting from his mouth as I was drug out. How 'bout this girl tho??? Fucking RN a couple years ago making $20 an hour, but gives it up to sling X and coke???? She has a kid sad. You KNOW this dude is behind her pulling her strings to make her do this shit, and he will be the FIRST one to sell her out if the shit hits the fan.

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Glad you came out okay bro, I live on long Island where about half of the guys believe they are all thug gangsta's. Its actually pretty funny to go out and see these fools and how they really believe they were raised in the ghetto and act all tough. Anyway glad to hear a fellow MT guy is okay later!

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i bet she caught an ass whipping when she got home from her fucked up boyfriend. glad you didn't get shot. i hope the police snatch these fuckers up.

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Originally posted by pussy Glad you came out okay bro, I live on long Island where about half of the guys believe they are all thug gangsta's. Its actually pretty funny to go out and see these fools and how they really believe they were raised in the ghetto and act all tough. Anyway glad to hear a fellow MT guy is okay later! oh boy, long island is so funny with these wanna be gangstas driving their parents benz.. you know what to do with these toughguy fags... go scratch up their parents car while they are flappin their gums and all of a sudden its like" wtf dude, my parents are gonna kill me, thats not my car" i really used to get off on teasing these was great fun...

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Originally posted by boxer156 Thanks bro's.....believe me I am not posting this shit as bragging----I really don't want anyone to get hurt in this situation. I can tell you this much----this cat was FUCKED UP laying on the club floor.....he had a hole in his cheek where his teeth must have cut his skin when I hit him....there was blood literally spurting from his mouth as I was drug out. How 'bout this girl tho??? Fucking RN a couple years ago making $20 an hour, but gives it up to sling X and coke???? She has a kid sad. You KNOW this dude is behind her pulling her strings to make her do this shit, and he will be the FIRST one to sell her out if the shit hits the fan. HUGE bump for Boxer!!! Goddamn that makes me happy this fucker paid in blood. I am a peace-loving individual. I get along well with others for the most part, but once someone crosses the line I cannot rest until they are maimed from a methodical beat-down. I dont go out and look for it, as I believe only in defending myself. I believe in fists. I am disgusted by those who go the way of the gun. So it goes... This also explains why I no longer do the bouncing thing. The money is good, but not good enough to get capped by some punk thug POS....for no apparent reason other then removing him from the club. Perhaps one day those who live by the gun shall die by the gun. I have no pity. If my hate takes me to hell, I can take solace in the fact that I will be waiting in the burning couldrons for them to arrive. FOX

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Thanks guys......funny thing is this poor bouncer said $6.25 an hour ain't worth this shit...LOL....Hey pussy, you fight out of Phil Nurse's gym??? He knows his shit. BTW, the cops just left me a message at home, but I doubt I will rat anyone out.....I just don't think I can bring myself to being a rat.....I'd rather try to take care of it myself. Too much Italian in me I guess.

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good on you boxer for staying alive when i hear stuff like this my blood boils. i like to think that people like that will get what they deserve in the end but the truth is many dont, and even if they do they destroy a lot of lives along the way, and then the next generation comes along. it never ends it makes you wish there was an arm of the law which just quietly killed all those sorts of people

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Big BUMP for Boxer. Glad to hear you fucked him up and came out OK. Punks like this piss me off because they mistake fear for respect. Who wouldn't be afraid of some idiot firing a gun into the air? It's a gut response to run and try to get away because people get shot every day over stupid shit like this. That's fear, not respect. Punks like this respect no one, including themselves. Doc

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Hey boxer what city were you in and why were you at a plce were its getto? Thats why i only go to places spinning trance with no getto scum bags. Hey did you pop him pretty good lol?

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