ive been acting lik...
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ive been acting like a girl before her period!!!!

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mann this cycle is kinda fuckin things up with me and my girl i get horrable moodswings and try to hold it all in the result is im quiet antisocial and just kinda bitchy its wierd we had a fight today and she said that the past 2 weeks(when it started to kick in) i have been a totaly diffrent person. now i dont notice myself being that dramatically diffrent butshe does. i dont get rage i just get bitchy!! oh well i guess ill just have to try harder to act peachy lol. anyone have these experinces? its the highest ive gone on test beforeso i figures thats why i got moodswing on this cycle and not my previous ones.

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We don't seem to realize that when we alter our neurotransmitters and hormones, we are changing ourselves from within. I always feel like I will be able to notice some sort of duality, to feel the drugs affecting me, but as soon as we inject hormones into ourselves, THIS IS US. Every time I come off a cycle, I realize how fucked up I've been to people. I never realized how lazy I was getting, until I stopped smoking weed. Point being, it's really hard to notice these changes from the inside, but I try to listen when people say, "dude, you've been a real dick lately." I've also noticed that I fought alot more with my girlfriend when juiced. I think this is all controllable, but you have to listen when people say you've been different, especially if it coincides with the beginning of your cycle, like your case.

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If so...that may be your reason for your mood swings.... Stroyer

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not yet but im definately not looking forward to it:(

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I act like a total cunt (sorry to the woman readers) when I am using clomid. Not too many other drug affect me the way Clomid does. Ah...the price we pay to be huge. 😀

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hey stroyer, what does clomid do to you guys? i am using 100 mgs daily of it now, and i dont think i am too bitchy or antyhing,. i am just desperate to actually have my cock work. i am on a relatively high cycle of EQ right now (400 mgs per week, it is high for me i should say actually), and taking winstrol at 100 mgs daily as well. but i cant get my dick up to save my life, i went from needing sex like 10 times a day when on test, to not wanting it at all, and when i do get it, more often than not i stop halfway through because i am just not in the mood. which sucks, because you should see my girl, she is smokin hot, nice and flexible, great tits, nice and firm and supple. mmmm. oh ok sorry, i went on a tangent there. so what do you think? waht does clomid do to you guys? i havent really noticed anything i dont think.

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Originally posted by stonerocky so what do you think? waht does clomid do to you guys? i havent really noticed anything i dont think. Well, clomid makes me more easily aggravated. Pitbulluvr, I too have noticed that I have been more aggravated with this cycle, than any of my previous ones. This cycle I am doing involves less test than on some of my previous cycles, But for the first time I am useing Equipose. I don't beleave the Eq has anything to do with it, though. Personally, I think sometimes, it's just haveing the wrong things happen at the wrong time. Yes sometimes it's things that wouldn't normally bother us. But I find that ounce I get upset it takes me time to be able to get myself to relax again and sometimes my anger carrys over to other topics as well, just from getting so worked up previously. Things I do that sometimes help me settle down are: Leave the house and go for a walk alone. Sometimes I just remind myself subcontiously(sp) Relax, Relax, Relax... In an extreeme case, I smoke a sliff 😀

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Clomid messes with me big time. My mood swings up and down all day long, but damn am I horny on that stuff. Even 50 mg/day.

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you craving chocolate? sex and a pedicure? *wink* Cutie

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on my test only cycle i felt really bad becuse i would lose my temper really bad and i lost my temper with my sister and scared her really bad. I felt bad after i yelled at her (i was really up in her face), so i stay away from bad situations will on cycle. -BIGwolf

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I don't know but I am very "testy" right now on my cycle. I don't know if it is "Roid Rage" because I'm not sure i buy into that. But my temper is like a raging bonfire of pure adrenaline and anger. I get into fights with my girl almost every day for the stupidest shit.

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I feel this post im on 600mgs test a week and in the middle of my 4th week my girl said to me the other day i was starting to be a dick i didnt notice it , she is on her period so i thought it was her but i guess reading this and thinking about it it was me too.lol. well i dont mind im up 17lbs already and feelin good n silly.

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i'm nicer on juice because i'm happy to be getting bigger and i make an effort to not be such a dick to people (thats my natural personality)

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Clomid turn me into Hugh Grant.
