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Question on Christianity

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Originally posted by RockSolid Someone had to set this whole thing in motion, its impossible otherwise. impossible how ? just cause we cant grasp it doent mean it was impossible. if you cant understand the term "always" then you are

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i knew as son as i saw this thread that it would open the fllodgates for the religion bashers the only thing that you can believe is what you want to believe in, religion is just a way for man to try to comprhend a vast universe that we occupy an infinetssimily small part of, therefore it leaves a lot to be desired...i appreciate religion for the historical and cultural aspect, and unlike an atheist i do not rule out the concept of a higer power that we cannot comprehend.....i could not say for sure either way

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Originally posted by kapn impossible how ? just cause we cant grasp it doent mean it was impossible. if you cant understand the term "always" then you are Lets say there are only three living things in the world. You, your mother and your father. One day when you are 6 months old, your mother and father die and all traces of them are erased. Now you are left as the only living thing in the world. When you grow up and become curious Im sure while in this state if you were "religoius" you would say someone had to create me. But if you were "atheistic" you would say I was just here, a series of mutations, mistakes, and coincidenes created me. The fact is that you had a mother and father and you were created, but you dont know it. I know this is an extremly bias example, but thats ok.

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Originally posted by RockSolid I really dont understand Atheists, it's okay. you're a theist so we don't expect much from you. Originally posted by RockSolid they must be cocky and over confident, that I can assure you. you can assure nothing as you base your beliefs on faith. what is more cocky and confident than believing you are the child of GOD??? Originally posted by RockSolid Do you atheists think that this whole wide universe was created as some sort of a mistake or a coincidence? learn the definition of an atheist. just because we don't believe in man made gods doesn't mean we believe in life based on mistakes. Originally posted by RockSolid Someone had to set this whole thing in motion, its impossible otherwise. you just illustrated how narrow minded you are. it's not about "someone" it's about things that are far beyond the grasp on the human mind and it's limited senses.

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Originally posted by Walter E Kurtz Herrman Lons was a 19th Century writer who said that all Germanic peoples possess the souls of wolves. When Europe is threatened, these people become "wer-wolves" (literally, 'defense wolves') and smash the enemies of Europa. Jesus: "We must be sheep amongst wolves" Odin: "We must be wolves amongst sheep"

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Originally posted by Satan it's okay. you're a theist so we don't expect much from you. Atheists are wannabe rebels, they want to seem different, want to seem independent, want to be revered as free thinking, but they are the ones with deepest questions and insecurities among them all. you can assure nothing as you base your beliefs on faith. what is more cocky and confident than believing you are the child of GOD??? I dont belive Jesus was the son of god, he was an ordinary man, a prophet, one of the greaTest Prophets. learn the definition of an atheist. just because we don't believe in man made gods doesn't mean we believe in life based on mistakes. Hmm, a superior being didnt create? god didnt create us? mistakes didnt result in our creation? Then what did create you? That is the base of atheism, question religion, bash religion, but provide no answers of your own. you just illustrated how narrow minded you are. it's not about "someone" it's about things that are far beyond the grasp on the human mind and it's limited senses. I belive a superme being created everything, so in my prespective your narrow minded.

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All I know is somebody created BOOBS for us all to enjoy........ no way that was a mistake!!!:D :biglaugh: 😀 :biglaugh: :angel: You guys are all so freaking smart, I just wanted to post something on this thread with you. (My brain hurts):bow1:

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Originally posted by RockSolid Atheists are wannabe rebels, they want to seem different, want to seem independent, want to be revered as free thinking, but they are the ones with deepest questions and insecurities among them all. if speaking out against ignorance makes me a wannabe rebel then i am guilty as charged. as far atheists having the deepest questions, i'll agree with that too. insecurities??? theists are the ones who have a make believe man in the sky so they can be less afraid of their own mortality. Originally posted by RockSolid I dont belive Jesus was the son of god, he was an ordinary man, a prophet, one of the greatest prophets. you already know my stance on jesus so i'll skip this. Originally posted by RockSolid Hmm, a superior being didnt create? god didnt create us? mistakes didnt result in our creation? Then what did create you? That is the base of atheism, question religion, bash religion, but provide no answers of your own. creation has already been discredited by facts. does that mean i know exactly how we got here?? nope, but just because we don't have the answer doesn't mean we can't prove that some proposed answers are incorrect. here's the basis of religion. be complacent, don't strive for knowledge because all the answers (wrong ones) are in a book. fortunately, most theists don't follow their own religion except when they are in need of something. Originally posted by RockSolid I belive a superme being created everything, so in my prespective your narrow minded. that's super

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I believe in God. I don't think, or feel that anyone 'should', but I do feel that if we are the most intelligent known life form, then there has to be some driving force as to why. We are ever complex and often we make mistakes. Bull35, you would have a hard time fighting your way out of a Descartian Paper bag, especially with your logic.

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Originally posted by tybolltt I believe in a man made God. I don't think, I follow the masses. I feel that everyone 'should', and I do feel that if we are the most intelligent known life form, then there has to be some driving force as to why. We are ever complex and often we make mistakes. Bull35, you would have a hard time fighting your way out of a Descartian Paper bag, especially with your logic. hummmm,-Ok? What 'logic' would you like me to expand on?

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How about you negate something a theological proof such as Descartes proof of Gods existence. I just read my other post, and noticed it might have been somewhat insulting, I apologize for that, it was not my intent.

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Originally posted by tybolltt How about you negate something a theological proof such as Descartes proof of Gods existence. What do descartes arguments have to do with theology? Once you "prove" a god exists then you've got to decide who's side he's on, and it just goes downhill from there. :uhoh: EDIT: FYI, descartes proof of god is far from air tight. Its pretty easy to redirect his argument into proving that god doesn't exist.

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By no means do I think of Descartes as an end all answer all, in fact I too find him quite flakey at best. But, there are inifinetly more valid, logical proofs of the exisitence of God. The only valid arguement that I can tell is that of Middle Knowledge, and all the rhetoric and psychobabble in the world won't get around that. But I guess that's where faith comes into play.

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Originally posted by Walter E Kurtz That may be...but he is, at base, a narrow minded technician who is possessed of great skill, he is not a leader of men. Here are some people who belived in the Divine: -George Washington -Abraham Lincoln -Charles DeGaulle -Winston Churchill -Charles Martel -Lord Nelson -Napolean Bonaparte -Adolf Hitler -Ronald Reagan -Robert E Lee -George S Patton However you feel about the aforementioned men, they were not "weak minded". Well said Walter.. Just out of curiosity, what do you believe in regards to god and an "after life"

Quiet E.
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come on guys, why are u trashing trialsquest? he believes in something u guys obviously dont believe what, he believes and u dont..leave it at a believer and i could care less if u dont..everyone has the right to believe in what they if u dont wanna agree that there is a one God, then dont..its cool..its not trialsquest or me u have to answer to...its up to u to do what u cool guys... Quiet E.

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