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Question on Christianity

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Well, if you need to bow down and pray to your invisible entity to get you thru life, go ahead, just keep it out of my life. I would rather spend my life searching for real & factual answers than waste it believing in ancient religions born from superstition and fear and ignorance. Sad thing is, you'll never know there's no afterlife because when you die-that's it. I'm not that vain to think I am actually more than a walking talking primate. Enjoy your illusion.

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i once read a study where those who followed religion on average: made less money had lower IQs had less education than those who did not. i will try to find it. it was in the houston chronicle about 2 years ago.

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If Jesus Christ were to come today, people would not crucify him. They would ask him to dinner, hear what he had to say, and make fun of it." "I'm still an atheist, thank God.

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Originally posted by Satan i once read a study where those who followed religion on average: made less money had lower IQs had less education than those who did not. i will try to find it. it was in the houston chronicle about 2 years ago. Instead of forwarding your position with facts and persuasion, you are going to quote a "study" posted in a newspaper? :thumbsup: Super idea. "I'm still an atheist, thank God."

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God and Country are an unbeatable team; they break all records for oppression and bloodshed." "I'm still an atheist, thank God.

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I don’t believe in atheists.

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Originally posted by bodychem Instead of forwarding your position with facts and persuasion, you are going to quote a "study" posted in a newspaper? :thumbsup: Super idea. silly me. i forgot theists are the experts when it comes to having facts to back their beliefs. besides, i'll take a newspaper over your good book anyday. you guys really provide me with hours of entertainment.

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Originally posted by bodychem "I don’t believe in atheists." you should. without us you might actually get away with being stupid.:biglaugh:

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Originally posted by Satan silly me. i forgot theists are the experts when it comes to having facts to back their beliefs. besides, i'll take a newspaper over your good book anyday. you guys really provide me with hours of entertainment. I never said I am a theist nor did I say I am an atheist. I neither am an evolutionist nor am I a creationist. Unfortunately, I have no evident knowledge to persuade my beliefs either way so I find myself somewhere in between. I believe man's interpretation of life and religion is flawed but these flaws are inherent to human behavior. I’ve always wondered how an atheist can be certain the idea of god is false. How do they know? Is it because religious “evidence” is subject to interpretation by fallible people who do not possess all information? Sure…That sounds reasonable. But would it not be reasonable to suggest scientific evidence is subject to the same fallible people who also do not possess all information? Science has an infinite amount of possibilities. The more we learn, the less we know. The more I learn about science, the more I believe god Himself is an evolutionist...

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Originally posted by bodychem I’ve always wondered how an atheist can be certain the idea of god is false. How do they know? Is it because religious “evidence” is subject to interpretation by fallible people who do not possess all information? Sure…That sounds reasonable. But would it not be reasonable to suggest scientific evidence is subject to the same fallible people who also do not possess all information? Science has an infinite amount of possibilities. The more we learn, the less we know. The more I learn about science, the more I believe god Himself is an evolutionist... I’m an atheist. I do not believe in a god in the traditional Orthodox Christian sense because no evidence supports that explanation (model) of creation. So far, science has done a pretty good job at explaining phenomena. No evidence can exist to support that notion because the very idea is beyond this natural reality. Concepts do not exist in isolation. You can’t cut/paste concepts out of their context and have the same meaning. See the “stolen concept fallacy.” The meaning behind “evidence” presupposes this physical reality. At the risk of sounding like a broken record in these god threads … our only contact with reality is our senses. If god is super – natural then evidence is out of the question. The notion of god in the traditional sense can not proven true or false. Of course as someone who is interested in the truth, I am open to the possibility that our knowledge may expand to encompass the idea of some creator. However at the moment I am convinced that cosmology and biology explain these age old questions more completely without a creator in my image. Here is an interesting story. My chemistry professor is without a doubt the most intelligent man I have run across. This man is the man in chemistry. He has a firm grasp of matter and its properties. He also believes in a god, which took me back because I rarely run into professors of hard sciences (physics, chem., etc) who believe in a god. Now my typical strategy is to reduce the theists belief down to faith, which I define as without reason. So my teacher asks me if I think that he is teaching me a load of crap or the truth about chemistry. Of course I think that he is telling me the truth and not just making shit up. He was suggesting that I believe him on faith until we hit the lab to test our knowledge out. His comments took me back because I do take his word that he’s teaching me the truth. You could say that I have reason to believe him.

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Originally posted by bodychem I never said I am a theist nor did I say I am an atheist. I neither am an evolutionist nor am I a creationist. I do, however, have NO brains or balls and cannot make a decision. Man, thanks for the honesty anyways.:uhoh:

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other things we can argue about so we don't get bored... 1. The story where they were building a latter to heaven and all started talking different languages, and that's where all the different languages came from.. 2. Noah, getting every animal in the world together, getting them on one boat, getting them not to eat each other, getting them not to eat each other until they all reproduced. 3. Did noah also collect the millions of insects into little jars, and if he did, why did he keep mosquitos?

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Originally posted by bodychem "If Jesus Christ were to come today, people would not crucify him. They would ask him to dinner, hear what he had to say, and make fun of it." "I'm still an atheist, thank God." Unless he came back named David, and hung out in a little town called Waco.. :biglaugh:

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Originally posted by Data ...Here is an interesting story. My chemistry professor is without a doubt the most intelligent man I have run across. This man is the man in chemistry. He has a firm grasp of matter and its properties. He also believes in a god, which took me back because I rarely run into professors of hard sciences (physics, chem., etc) who believe in a god. Now my typical strategy is to reduce the theists belief down to faith, which I define as without reason. So my teacher asks me if I think that he is teaching me a load of crap or the truth about chemistry. Of course I think that he is telling me the truth and not just making shit up. He was suggesting that I believe him on faith until we hit the lab to test our knowledge out. His comments took me back because I do take his word that he’s teaching me the truth. You could say that I have reason to believe him. That is interesting to me because I had a similar experience. In fact, the comment I made about the infinite possibilities of science and the more we learn the less we know came from a college professor of mine. He's probably the most intelligent person I have ever met (that wasn’t a social moron).

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Originally posted by Data Here is an interesting story. My chemistry professor is without a doubt the most intelligent man I have run across. This man is the man in chemistry. He has a firm grasp of matter and its properties. He also believes in a god, which took me back because I rarely run into professors of hard sciences (physics, chem., etc) who believe in a god. Now my typical strategy is to reduce the theists belief down to faith, which I define as without reason. So my teacher asks me if I think that he is teaching me a load of crap or the truth about chemistry. Of course I think that he is telling me the truth and not just making shit up. He was suggesting that I believe him on faith until we hit the lab to test our knowledge out. His comments took me back because I do take his word that he’s teaching me the truth. You could say that I have reason to believe him. When he tells you that Hydrogen Peroxide is 2 hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms, yes you believe him on faith, but the reason you believe him is because he is a scientist and probably doesn't create things out of thin air, and since he is not explaining a theory, it can be proven, these things can be proven, (electron microscope) God, simply cannot be. I'm not saying God doesn't exist, but science is testable, and God is not. So for now it is "The theory of creationism" and has yet to be proven.

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