Active Member
Joined: Sep 22, 2022
Last seen: Feb 4, 2024
Topics: 3 / Replies: 13
RE: For tren users - did u use Bromocriptine ?

No Bromo (didnt know where to get any) and I started of ED, but it was too strong so I ended up going to every 3rd day. Tren is THE shit. BBZ

6 months ago
RE: Taking the sting out of Primo?

You could get some oil from BBZ

7 months ago
RE: 200mg oil susp

What do you mean by "detected"? If your urine tested, all it will show is an elevation is free test levels, but it wont show up as Test Prop. BBZ

8 months ago
RE: Creatine - How and why?

Originally posted by greenberet Hi, BBZ :D I saw those liquid form creatine everywhere. I think you could purchase it any supplement store. The brand ...

8 months ago
RE: Creatine - How and why?

Liquid Creatin? Sounds interesting? Anyone know where I can get some? I have been using 5g's pre and post workout, probably too much though as it does...

8 months ago
Replies: 37
Views: 916
RE: cyp,enanth,sust..??

The only thing I believe that is produced (or faked) in Australia that has Test Cyp in it is the vet product Testo-LA. I arent aware of anything on sc...

8 months ago
RE: by what age do you think you will stop taking steroids .

Originally posted by silencer I was thinking about this the other day... Started at 25, currently 28. Figure I'm done within 24 months. Don't need to ...

8 months ago
RE: dazed's oil/solvent

I have used it for Tren only, but only went as high as 100mg/ml. 200mg/ml? Damn I'll be trying that next. BBZ

8 months ago
RE: O/T Orgasmic Headaches

Thats weird because I seriously only get headaches when I am in bed, usually asleep. I wake up with them and I am fucked for the day. Had a scan of th...

11 months ago
RE: Sleep makes a HUGE difference in my gains how about yours?

Sleep makes all the difference for me I have found. If I dont get at least 8 hours every night, I can forget about functioning as a regular human bein...

1 year ago
RE: Dosing Tabs (D-bol)

Just make it easier on yourself and have 25mg everday. You'll get good results. I found 25mg more productive than 35mg. More is not alway better. BBZ

1 year ago
2 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 315
RE: Dosing Clen

Originally posted by Amatuer clenbuterol 100mcg/0.1ml premixed in PPG Would I be able to dilute this in another solution to make measurements a bit ea...

2 years ago
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