Last seen: Dec 30, 2024
Spectre, maybe u have no muscle, hence there is nothing to recover
u don't know crap, glutamine is a "suppliment" exactly what is sounds like. First of all its the most abundant amino acid found in ur muscle tissue ce...
also one with lysophosphatidyl choline, which will help with the uptake to the GI tract....i also like putting a tablespoon under my tongue post work ...
post cycle therapy
1 to 2 days, its very fast acting
its gonna be VERY painful to run prop. for 10 weeks, i would recommend: wk 1-2 prop wk 3-11 test en. wk 1-10 Eq.
I'd do 400mg of each, but run the Test 1 week past the Eq.
oops, my bad, i didn't mean 500 cc i meant 500 mg of test a week...lol. The Eq. is by british dragon, i've used it before, my body responded well to i...
agree with never, i finised a cycle two weeks ago, ran it for 10 weeks, so i'll take 10 off and hit it again, can't wait ok...what the hell is PCT. i ...
hows that working for ya bigalo, put on much size or def?
3 on 1 off calves, back, chest abs, legs bi, tri, shoulders
just recently finished 600 decca and 400 Eq for 6 weeks...prior to that was running test and d-bol for 6 weeks, en solid as a rock, and stayed hard to...