Last seen: Jan 24, 2025
ok but what causes this stuff??!?! I didn't workout legs until today, by the way.. Is it good the train them right after or wait for a while..?
anyone else had similiar symtoms? I'm just worried I struck a nerve or something.. trying not to be a pussy or so but you hear guys mumbling 'bout hor...
Nope.. no fever, loss of appetite or bad feeling of any kind! And the area is not red or anything.. The pain is centered to one area and gets milder f...
I don't feel that bad in someway but I have like.. numbness in lower back.. and the ache sort of shoots out to leg and back... and the soreness of cou...
Shit Yeah u can gain 5-10 pounds from dbol only.. You can gain much more.. but keep it without stacking it with something else (injectable) is harder....
mail the gear to yourself at your to-be location or hide it very well in the car.. unless you're in some kind of real deep shit they won't try so hard...
Originally posted by DavidnKS I'm 5'11" 190lbs and I take in around 3300 calories a day which is a little over my maintainence calorie intake level. I...
yoghurt!! easy to drink 100kcal+/ a cup.. some protein, and few carbs, little fat oatmeal!, blend it with water easy as hell to slush down.. 100kcal+/...