Active Member
Joined: Sep 22, 2022
Last seen: Jun 18, 2023
Topics: 0 / Replies: 7
RE: The Calves

An awesome pair of calves is great to behold............well done mate and go for the burn!

1 year ago
RE: Bent over rows, grip width

I use an underhand grip.....a little closer than shoulder width and also use an ez-curl this doesn't bother my wrists as much as an o...

1 year ago
RE: What size pins do you guys use

I usually draw and shoot with a 21G, but not the same one giveitago!! LOL But i might have to try the warming it up way for a change........ in this c...

1 year ago
RE: Introducing myself

Welcome to bolex mate, and remember......... The search button is your best friend.......

2 years ago
RE: steriod books

"Don't have to pay".........And i always thought abracadabra was the magic word..........:D

2 years ago
RE: M&M Supplements Brisbane

Well i've always bought my supps from Ada street, but if M&M is as good as you say........ I might just have to check them out. Cheers

2 years ago
RE: O/T - What time do you get out of bed?

And some of you guys think you've got it tough........... here's my week...... up at 3 am mon morn.........start work at till 3.20 pm...

2 years ago