Active Member
Joined: Apr 28, 2021
Last seen: Jul 23, 2022
Topics: 2 / Replies: 15
RE: muscle cramps on cycle

Thanks all I did increase the water and eat more foods with potassium I even added pedialyte which helped quite a bit. I am off clen now. I notice the...

2 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 569
RE: Out of stock

whoa I love that car that is good stock right there. I had one of those canary yellow with tinted windows but raised it was a pia---transmission kept ...

2 years ago
RE: Testosterone Blood Levels

EQ --bro and anything else that has test in it otherwise it will be low or normal

2 years ago
RE: Tren E 200 by itself?

Posted by: *N.V.S* That would be a horrible idea.Tren is basically the strongest androgen so you'll be shut down fast and hard.You would need to run...

2 years ago
RE: Axiolabs

Posted by: kimble007 okay, so everybody is in agreeance that Axio's ONLY bad/underdosed product was their test enanthate and Sustaplex? Bro I r...

2 years ago
RE: Sust pain!

I learned my lesson last year with tren in the quads---it is intense pain and it is intense pain in my butt too. I love tren but the fast acting is ve...

2 years ago
RE: Adverse effects of hormonal steroids’ abuse

Good article Dracula--that may help to explain part of my groin problem with stiffness in the IT band.

2 years ago
RE: NPP or Tren D painful injections

Posted by: da_Fonz Don't know what to tell ya onyett but I ran NPP ED for 12 weeks and put it in my tris, delt, pecs, and glutes and it was never pa...

2 years ago
RE: NPP or Tren D painful injections

I think there is something wrong with me this axio tren is like shooting lead in my rear end and the npp burns to no end. i use a 22g 1 1/2 needle. I ...

2 years ago
RE: No Cough W/ Tren A..

Only a couple of times did I get a cough but it was right away after the injection and violent then ceased. One time i noticed a couple drops of blood...

2 years ago
RE: axio tren ace

Thanks to all of you---I appreciate it a lot and cschulze I got your pm thx.I will check into this grapeseed oilLiving in the desert in trance---whoop...

2 years ago
RE: axio tren ace

here do I get the grapeseed oil? Does it come sterile in a vile?Hey thanks

2 years ago
2 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 538
RE: Tren D

All I can tell you from a female experience was I didn't like it. It didn't seem to do anything for me. Now Tren Ace is gold for me. My husband used t...

2 years ago
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