Joined: Jun 11, 2019
Last seen: Feb 14, 2024
Topics: 0 / Replies: 28
RE: Reviews

My review for I have ordered from at least 5 times over the past 2 years. Never run into a single issue the whole time. I mak...

5 months ago
RE: Tren E

Yes, there is a HUGE difference between the 2 ester weights which means the amount of aas is different as well. Not to mention the half life is very d...

2 years ago
RE: Tren E 200 by itself?

That would be a horrible idea. Tren is basically the strongest androgen so you'll be shut down fast and hard. You would need to run HCG throughout the...

2 years ago
RE: 2022 / Test Cycle

I know BI usually runs his Mast at 400mg/wk and he hardens up quite nicely.

2 years ago
RE: Sustaplex/Methanoplex cycle help

Well you would need a few more thing to make it a safe an effective cycle. You would need HCG to run throughout the course of the cycle and also an AI...

2 years ago
RE: Mixing Steroids with Painkillers

Methadone is not prescribed for migraines. Its a drug prescribed to opiate addicts. There's much more going on there.nvs

2 years ago
RE: That's What It Is!!!

I never noticed anything from clen. I can actually fall asleep easily while on it. I prefer Ephedrine to clen. nvs

2 years ago
RE: Favorite Brand of Tren

From a woman's prospective, Tren A is the only ester which we can run safely. Tren isn't something most women shouldn't run to begin with considering ...

2 years ago
RE: would it work to return to your original cycle

Posted by: irishpride0769 "if it aint broke, dont fix it" that applys to your question..of course a simple cycle like your first may have been will ...

2 years ago
RE: Just me???

Have you used it before? How is your strength?

2 years ago
RE: new run

Posted by: area51 alright i finally got my stuff and im ready, but got a question?im giong to be doing 2cc a week of eqiplex 200 and 30 mg of dbol a...

2 years ago
RE: No Cough W/ Tren A..

Yes do tell. How is everything else going for you on the tren?nvs

2 years ago
RE: Hcg

Posted by: longlegs i was under the impression it was a fertility drug.i'll have to look into some stuf though. For men. It raises their test c...

2 years ago
RE: Hcg

Well you would have to be menstruating ie. ovulating for that to be a problem at all. Sometimes even a little Anavar will disrupt a woman's cycle so I...

2 years ago
RE: Hcg

I see what you are saying and I think you raise a very good point. You see an IUD does increase the risk of an ectopic pregnancy and in women, injecta...

2 years ago
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