Active Member
Joined: Apr 13, 2022
Last seen: Jun 28, 2022
Topics: 1 / Replies: 11
RE: Supplements

Posted by: Tommer What supplements do you take while on cycle ? I cut back on supplements mainly because of the money I spent on the gear already, b...

2 years ago
RE: Supplements

Posted by: 4thAD Give us some more info. I just did a little research on D3 and I see that it is a form of vitamin D that is naturally produced by e...

2 years ago
RE: Supplements

Posted by: Tommer What supplements do you take while on cycle ? I cut back on supplements mainly because of the money I spent on the gear already, b...

2 years ago
RE: PCT help "Complicated 4 Questions"

Posted by: gustavo77 Well, for me it is simple....test, tren and GH, with an oral at the beginning and the end..1-12 Sustaplex 0.5-0.75cc/ml eod1-11...

2 years ago
RE: PCT help "Complicated 4 Questions"

Posted by: gustavo77 Well, for me it is simple....test, tren and GH, with an oral at the beginning and the end..1-12 Sustaplex 0.5-0.75cc/ml eod1-11...

2 years ago
RE: PCT help "Complicated 4 Questions"

Posted by: Visions My questions to you are:Did you cycle before you went to your Dr to get blood work done?...if so, how long from the end of the cy...

2 years ago
RE: PCT help "Complicated 4 Questions"

Posted by: gustavo77 I can only give you my opinion and i am not a doc obviously but....35-36 is not that old bro.You may be able to get your natura...

2 years ago
RE: PCT help "Complicated 4 Questions"

do you think i should continue TRT of .5cc 2x a week or just drop that all together? im 35 almost 36 and before i started TRT by my DR. i was at like ...

2 years ago
Replies: 10
Views: 529
RE: cycle problem :(

Posted by: bigdo116 ok so i am on my second week of my cycle and taking 500 iu hcg 2x week .50mg anadrol a day.75cc tren a eod sustaplex 325 eod as ...

2 years ago
RE: cycle problem :(

it happens bud, try massaging the injection site and using a heating pad to help the oil disappate

2 years ago
RE: cycle problem :(

Posted by: bigdo116 ok so i am on my second week of my cycle and taking 500 iu hcg 2x week .50mg anadrol a day.75cc tren a eod sustaplex 325 eod as ...

2 years ago