Hi, All GrowXXL boys and gals
I just wanna let you know that I'll come off very soon. I'm worrying about loose any muscle which is going to be very bad ๐ though. *cough* *cough* Now I need your help. Here, I've been preparing PCT medicine and supplements. So GrowXXL boys and gals give me a feed back.
Thanks thanks 😀ย
**GB PCT medicine and plan here 😉 **
Medicine list = clomid / Nova /clen with fatbuner
week1-2 : 100mg CLOMID + nova 20mg
week 3 : 50mg ED + nova 20mg Clenbuterol 2weeks + fatbunser (synepehedrine:( ) 2weeks
Tell me now.. This medicine will make me cry like a school girl ?
already ** Herbal supplement here ** Tribulus MALE-FULE (gen-tec)
-as Digg said multi-vitamin Should I use Armidex for my pct? I heard that it is most likely dangerous after the cycle for getting GYNO. Then I'll keep taking clomid hard
Should I become a scholl girl soon?
Lastly, Could someone kindly explain what's gonna happen week by week while on PCT? Thank you very much bye
The male fuel is good stuff, i've only been using it 3 days and i can tell i'm using it. Other than that looks good. I don't know what to expect i start mine tomorrow.
hey GB...if you run Arimidex throughout the PCT as well as a couple weeks following you should have no hassles...touch wood ๐
GB imo there is no benifit running clomid and nolva together Just go with one or the other.Nolva would be my choice
GB imo there is no benifit running clomid and nolva together Just go with one or the other.Nolva would be my choice
Thanks reality, Could someone kindly describe your feelin while on PCT? also heard about Post cycle CRASH . How many weeks should I experiece this? Thank you
It's first day of PCT. I felt like a being a School girl now. ๐ Today, I was looking at the tree throug the window:o . It already make me sad. I wanted cry like a School girl though. Anyway, I like an australian school girl. Becasue they're talking so funny:argue: . I always sit behind them when I get on the tram. But I don't like PCT. Now I'm a school girl:bawling: Then I'll keep training hard:wallbash:
GB you are a classic mate,your posts are the best/funniest on the net...keep up the good work mate.... i like school girls also but for different reasons :biglaugh: Post cycle crash depend a lot on the person and also what they are taking and many other factors also For me its all in the mind as you go from feeling like superman and feeling big and lifting heavy weights to becoming a mere mortal , watching yourself get smaller and weights dropping so you have to try to over come this and keep training hard and consistently and make sure you keep eating big and hold onto those gains you made Good work GB and remember Then you'll keep training hard :wallbash: lol
It's PCT day 4. WTF, I suddnely gained 2kgs of WATER weight. What's worng? I understand my test is 0 now and estrogen is way too much high. But usually, when you come off ..You syuppose to drop the water weight aren't you? How come I gain more water? Is it normal...? I hate estrogen: =fu I hate ya Estro I hate ya estrogen =fu i hate ya estrogen=fu stay away from my body~~~~~~~~~~```` :rolleyes
How many weeks should i wait for dropping water? What am i suppse to do now? Should I hit some nova? I think I'm gaining water due to high estrogen.. I feel shit now. Even my uni text book make me cry.:( I can't keep training hard at this moment.:wallbash: I wanna join the Girl's cout now. :chicken: