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HGH side effects

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I've been on HGH for 8 weeks now. I take 2.6 IU EOD and I have noticed that on the days of my injection I am really sleepy. SO much so, its hard to make myself train in the afternoon. Not sure if this is due to Insulin resistence or what. ANyone else experienced this?
I started with 1.3iu and have worked myself up to this dose. I'm wondering if I should go back down.

Dr. Chrisler is giving a talk on Sermorelin at the A4M National convention in December so he isnt giving out a bunch of Information before then.

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the sleepy felling is a known side effect, any others side effects?

Hand joint pain?

I take 25mgs t3 in the am with my hGH to help avoid the side effect of sleepy fellings.

Maybe you could try taking injection at a diff time


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Posted by: ghisallo_paul
the sleepy felling is a known side effect, any others side effects?

Hand joint pain?

I take 25mgs T3 in the am with my hGH to help avoid the side effect of sleepy fellings.

Maybe you could try taking injection at a diff time


Yes. I get an achy pain in my forearms and shoulder from time to time. I also notice a good bit of water retention. Plus side is I've dropped some fat. Even with the extra water, I'm down 4 pounds and I was pretty lean to begin with.

Dr. Chrisler is giving a talk on Sermorelin at the A4M National convention in December so he isnt giving out a bunch of Information before then.

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Nice about the reco? Do you ever take it PWO?

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Posted by: KingMassimo
Nice about the reco? Do you ever take it PWO?

I have occasionally, but I try to take it in the morning in an attempt to keep my natural productions as well as what I'm injecting.
Recovery is good. I'm not sure if it as good as I was getting with 120-150mg of test though.

I'm using the miniquicks so my dose pretty well has to be 1.3 IU or 2.6(1 or 2 miniquicks). Somewhere in the middle would probably be best. I may drop the EOD injections at 2.6 and go ED at 1.3 for 5 days and off 2.

Dr. Chrisler is giving a talk on Sermorelin at the A4M National convention in December so he isnt giving out a bunch of Information before then.

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Why not just do 1.3iu/day.

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Posted by: dario
Why not just do 1.3iu/day.

Yes, 1.3 to 1.5 ...or even 1 iu a day, if taken in the morning so as not to impact natural night time GH release, is enough for long term use.
Remember we are taking this stuff for recovery reasons ONLY..and as such you really don't need much at all. The most I would ever take would be 2 units a day for short periods of really hard training or racing otherwise you get too many sides.

I really love the fat loss side effect by the way...that's not a bad one


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i take 2iu PD in the am.

at 2iu the sides are minimal, really nothing to worry about

am going to get my IGF 1 levels done soon

I dont notice massive diff, i do have finger joint stiffness, carpel tunnel synd on my right wrist, no water retention of note, am cycling 12-16 hours per week so little room for water retention from hGH.

Sleeping is the biggest diff, from the first injection of 2iu, i sleep like a baby, out like a light for 8-9 hours, fantastic, never ever had sleep like this.

I dont get sleepy during the day, I take small amount of T3 with my jab. I do 2iu ed 5 on 2 off, the 2 off am only doing to extend the time period of use, am planning in excess of year on, hence the low dose.

Fat loss yes, sight specific, not sure about that

like i say no big massive feeling of going to break cranks, hGH is very subtle, but i do like


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I take the miniquicks too. .88mg which is probably around 2.6iu/day. That amount keeps me in the high normal range for IGF1. I notice no sides either except fat loss.

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what are miniQuicks ?

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Anyone notices an increase in HCT with Growth hormone use? I know I got a good 3 point jump with low dose Testosterone For 14 weeks. I have not redone blood work since starting HGH but will do it soon. Lots of studies on HGH effects on Natural EPO stimulation but most are with sick people or dogs. Most of these studies show an increase in Natural epo production with administration of GH but one shows Anemia as a result.

This study shows an increase in red blood cells:

Shows an increase in Redblood cells in Dwarf children:;=71653

Shows an increase in Natural EPO in GHRH treated dogs

this one shows GH treatment caused anemia in dogs:

Anyone have any personal experiences to support wether HGH helps or hurts HCT levels? I'm going to redo blood work soon to see how I'm responding but my instinct based on how I feel and how my training is going is that I havent lost anything, possibly gained some. I�ll post my blood work in the next few weeks.

Dr. Chrisler is giving a talk on Sermorelin at the A4M National convention in December so he isnt giving out a bunch of Information before then.
