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Doc dont know cyp

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I saw my doc again on thursday to discuss treatment for my low test levels. He said he will only do the gel because he is not comfortable with the injections are they are more toxic. I always thought that one way was just as toxic as the other(transdermal or inj)? So I said to him that my research shows that cypionate is the way to go. He say "I'm not familiar w/ that." Hes not comfortable w/ injections but he doesnt know what cypionate is? THis guy obviously has little to know knowledge of HRT and gets most of his knowledge from after school specials. To top it off he gave me a coupon to get the first months gel for free and IT WAS EXPIRED!! I think I will start my own HRT.

Honorable Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 166

sounds like he gets bigger kickbacks from the gel rep than he does from the cyp rep :biglaugh: take your records and hit a HRT clinic, or ask him to refer you to s specialist, there are actually a couple on here.

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It really is sad how little these doctors know about steroids in general. Probably most of the people on this board know way more than any doctor.

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Originally posted by Admin sounds like he gets bigger kickbacks from the gel rep than he does from the cyp rep :biglaugh: take your records and hit a HRT clinic, or ask him to refer you to s specialist, there are actually a couple on here. couldnt of said it better myself admin. he must be gettin bennies from the gel companies. find another doc my friend.

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Originally posted by Admin sounds like he gets bigger kickbacks from the gel rep than he does from the cyp rep :biglaugh: Took the words right outa my mouth!

Eminent Member
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 23

Yeah, I'm sure he is getting incentive from his Androgel rep. That is BS about Cyp injections being more toxic. He is just trying to sway you towards the gel. A weekly or EO week shot of 200mg Cyp is not toxic at all. Doc

Trusted Member
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 60

Originally posted by biodude1 It really is sad how little these doctors know about steroids in general. Probably most of the people on this board know way more than any doctor. You can bet on it; med school is not intended for that. It's intended to produce tow very distinct caracters: the health care professionals that can help you in most of every day common illnesses and the people that went into medicine just to dive a Jag and play golf every day... (If any doctors read this, hope you are one of the first group!)
