Last seen: Sep 1, 2024
Actually listen science...this subject has been beat to death in the last a search.
Wouldnt waste the anavar for only 5 weeks.
I always get headaches reading cycle plans like this.
It will work to a point and then you will have to change up as all routines eventually stop working.
Originally posted by ncstate sorry my bad throughout. Clomid doesnt work in the presence of test. That is why you wait 3 weeks after your last shot be...
Not much more to say bro. One of the most basic cycles out there.
Cyp is great. What enanthate do you have? QV?
Congrats dad, but the real test is after you come off from all those years on and then have a kid.
Add test.
You are mistaken. There are no others. Now get back to work with that search button.
As you watch your weight and image in the mirror, tweak your carbs so that you still have plenty of energy and your brain functions right. And dont fo...
Where is the test?
Get some dmso and rub it on the injection will be surprised.
Since it's a proven fact that old people dont bathe as often as they should (and have that terrible odor) I got some of this for ya:
36?? 38?? You guys sound like girls! LOL:D