No one talks about this. Does it help you grow? Maintain size, or just impede injury? what are the benefits, and what is the best style of stretching to do? Tybs
i follow DC's extreme stretching reco's good results, surprised me that stretching like this would actually improove my appearance...
I stretch between sets every day I workout. Keeps me flexible and I think it has helped in terms of muscular size (fascial stretching).
It does help with flexability especially as you get older.
Do any of you guys actually do it though? It seems that popular consensus is to stretch, but does it really do any good outside of flexability and injury reduction? Hey BigWill, what kind of stretching would you recommend for a newbie? lol. Dogs stretching causes me severe pain...
I stretch in between sets. IMO this helps reduce the pump you got, alowing you to go as heavy and squeeze out jus as many reps as the set before.....
I tend to follow John Parillo's method of fascial stretching. Whatever badypart is getting trained also gets stretched.
i stretch thoroughly b4 and throughout the workout... the way i c it, if i tear a muscle and cant workout for 5 months all because i didnt stretch, id be unbelievably pissed off, specially if it was during a cycle
Do any of you guys actually do it though? It seems that popular consensus is to stretch, but does it really do any good outside of flexability and injury reduction? Hey BigWill, what kind of stretching would you recommend for a newbie? lol. Dogs stretching causes me severe pain...
Just have her start slow...
How do you warm up, just straight sets, or a cardio piece? I dress warm on the way to the gym and usually wear a hood on my sweats...then I do 2 warm up sets. I keep telling her to go slow...she jus dun wanna lissen.
Go with the flow bro, go with the flow 😀
I do PNF, Isometric and dynamic stretching. I would not recogmend stretching before or during working out and I would stay away from doing static stretching. Dave