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Pre & Post Workout Meals?

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Personally I go with High carbs PRE-workout. Either a shake or some pasta or something. If it is done with a shake I wait about 45min to an hour to train. Now if I am eating a big plate of pasta I wait about 1-1/2hours or so. I believe POST-workout is more important though as most of your growth takes place after you train. So usaully I will take some aminos in a pill or liquid form about 10-15min after my workout. Then about 20-30min after I will drink about 60g of protien. Then I wait untill about an hour to an hour an a half untill I eat a meal. Unless I am taking slin this is what I do. Let me here what some of the bro's here do.

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i remember you asking questions about insulin awhile back......from the above post i assume you've used it now. what have your results been like???

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I know 90% of people say that is wrong...but I train shortly after I I do not have enough time to eat to much, b4 hitting th gym...if I do, I get an upset stomach, while training + doing this way, helps me to stay extra lean... I make sure though, to load up on carbs & protien post workout, right away.. Stroyer

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pre workout- small portion of chicken, wheat bread, apple or bannana, and a carb drink post- 60 grams whey protein mixed with water, 1 serving of pre-load creatine, bcaa's, multi-vitamin, fish oils, 1 bannana

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pre.. i'm lazy.. anything with carbs and protein.. I eat all day long so whatever... post workout.. a quart of milk.. something glycemic.. like something with lots of sugar (sweets).. a few big spoons of peanut butter.. 600mg of potassium.. 500-1000mg vitamin C.. a multivitamin.. then I eat a high protein meal about 30-45 minutes later

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I wake up and go straight to the gym in the morning.I take some eca's thats about it.Your grwth and repair starts after you train and eat.If I eat before training I get sick especially on leg day.I stay lean and hard with this method.I may drink some quick carbs to fill that void.

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Pre workout-Cereal or bagel w/peanut butter Post-Protein shake w/juice (orange or grape or both mixed) along with my b complex vitamin and vitamin c

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I am up at 5am and at the gym by 6:15am. The only thing I consume is a half a pot of coffee. I know, bad habit but... After my workout (within 30 minutes), I drink a protein shake. They average 60 grams of protein. After an hour or so, the food starts to get shoveled in. I feel I get better results this way.

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Originally posted by Swede Your pre workout meal doesn´t matter much. Not exactly true. Depends upon when you train. I am up at 3:30AM and in the gym by 4AM. I dont have any fuel in my system (especially carbs) because I have gone without eating for at least 7 hours. I like quick carbs (yogurt, etc) with small amount of protein. Post workout: 100 gms quick carbs (I like poweraid) and 80 gms protein with multi-vit, 500mg vit C., 400 mg vit. E immediately when I get home. 1.5 hours later MORE FOOD. 😀

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So I have been eating all day and my glycogen stores are pretty well maxed. I'll have a carbo force during/after my workout then an hour later I'll eat a big meal like steak n pasta n milk!

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Satan---Ya I gave the insulin a go. I think it is kind of a pain in the ass always looking at the clock making sure I don't go into Hypo. Although I definetly felt and looked FULLER. Next time I use slin it will be on GH though so it will be well worth it. I heard about waking and training. It is supposed to be real good for fat loss. I am just too lazy to try it. Plus I have a good Metabolism so fat is not that much of a concern.....yet

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BUMP---- For the nutrition thread!

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I eat cat food and peyote

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Actually High-T...... I was serious. You probably just stick and expect to grow huh. Post a pic bro.:)

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k.. how's this for eating.. I wake up.. eat 9 whole eggs and a pound of lean ground beef.. plus a PB&J sandwich (very generous on the PB)... then I train.. then I finish the jar of PB and drink 1.5 litres of milk.. plus take all my vitamins and special vitamins.. then do site injections.. then shower.. then protein shake with about 120g of protein in it... plus lots of sugar and fruits hehe.. then I go out.. eat 2 doubles with cheese from wendy's... then go to this buffet where I pig out on roast beef, scalopped potatoes, potato salad, lots of pasta with alfredo sauce/cheese sauces... mmmmm... stir fry.. then lots of cheesecake.. and lots of caesar salad.. then come home.. eat a huge fruit salad, another PB and jelly sandwich.. another quart of milk (had lots more milk while I was out during the day.. plus some fruizzi thing at second cup).. now i'm sitting here.. I ate a ton of marshmellows.. i'm eating bacon.. drinking a bottle of orange crush.. taking my vitamins.. and chugging a litre of water behind it all... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......... Dbol makes you hungry.. I'll wake up in the middle of the night and pig out on cereal or eggs

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